Evelyne, the first photo you included was simply awesome! Oh how I would love to live in your part of the world. My iPadPro updated OS enlarged and took me all around the initial photo, was it a video? So was able to see countryside far and wide! Must look again after eye surgery Wednesday.

As for what we call the White Christian Nationalists, well, they are anything but concerned about others. The GOP MAGA idiots use it as a tool for censorship; in the worst case scenario, Florida, the state government has actually banned teachers and schools from teaching SHAKESPEARE! They continue to limit rights and move toward fascism.

And the Governor who started this movement Desatan is running for President but falling very far behind in polling.

He doesn’t have a prayer of getting nomination or winning.

Just TMI due to too much coffee, the first debate for GOP candidates is Monday night but Trump has made up his own rules since he is not behind bars YET. He will be interviewed instead by fake news personality Tucker Carlson and that could be interesting; the more he runs his gob, the more likely he is to incriminate himself further thus activating a restraining order that could incarcerate him until multiple trials. There are many Democracies in jeopardy at present;

I truly believe the Democrats with sleepy Joe Biden will pull out another win but geez, it is exhausting trying to maintain some activism for the man who has done so much to bring us back from the brink. Loved your article. I too think the Ten Commandments are useful but can arise from many religions, ideologies. The point is after all caring for one another and having our freedoms intact. Bye now, no more coffee for me!

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No, the first photo wasn't a video.

I have a White Christian Nationalist rant that I'm holding back. It's freaking insane. But not tonight or in the very near future. I'll get triggered at some point and will let her rip.

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I’ll enjoy that! Rant needed! Gotta rest my eyes. Have increased pressure too surgery designed to fix both issues.

Good day to you dear friend!😘😘😘

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I look forward to that one. I follow & subscribe to a number of folks who help me understand what's truly happening. Joyce Vance, Mary Trump, Marc Elias, and more. Scholars, lawyers. As a former member of the press, I feel a great deal of disappointment in the "both sidesism" of the mainstream media and remind them they are after TRUTH.

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Happy Sunday! Happy birthday to Maine! I don't believe we've lost the block button. Seems he's rethinking this. His ex thinks he wanted to eliminate block because she uses it each time he creates a new identity in order to troll her and she figures it out. This is the kind of "adult" who purchases a popular platorm in order to destroy it, just because. So very interesting. Love the cute cows 🐂

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I've blocked him, his name, and many other words he might use or that are related to him. I only see sh*t he does/says when somebody posts a screenshot. So, thank you for the update. That totally sounds like something he might do. Wouldn't surprise me. I'll pass on the birthday wishes.

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Same. I get info from others. Same with that other guy.

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Love your history and current events in the life of Musk the deplorable. So his ex did this! We’ll see what shakes out!

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