I’m sure you’ve had people ask you “what do you want to do when you grow up?” or “if you could do anything, what would you do?”. What were your answers? Did you really explore EVERYTHING? Or did you limit your thoughts to what is reasonable, doable and what wouldn’t make people laugh? Take a minute to think about this.
Now, what happens if we change that question to “what is your dream?”. My mind shifts to everything that I could possibly ever want to do. It doesn’t have to be realistic, reasonable, or even possible. I can say I would love to fly around the world like a bird. Then my mind immediately thinks Solar Impulse (I’m Swiss after all). The sky is the limit. When my friend David asked me that question 2.5 years ago (read about him and some other beautiful friends here ), I felt my mind opening and I said something I hadn’t realized was my dream.
It was something I had never said to anybody. It was something that came from deep inside and that I wasn’t aware of. From that day onward it was there, and it was there to stay. I’m not sure if I need to follow it fully, but I have certainly started writing. And writing gives me so much energy it’s insane. More than I ever thought possible or expected. I guess this is what it feels like when you do what you truly love.
I never questioned that I could write a 5-page essay in an afternoon back at university when it took my classmates days, nor did I ever really think about it. It was just something I could do and others couldn’t. We all have things like that.
I know that I haven’t told you what that dream was and I’m not sure it’s important for you to know. And before I consider telling you, I would like you to ask yourselves “what is my dream?”. Remember that there are no restrictions at all. It doesn’t matter if you can’t afford that dream. It doesn’t matter if you are married or in a relationship and your dream doesn’t include a partner. It doesn’t matter if it feels ridiculous to even say it. Just go with it! Open your mind to the possibility and see what happens. Don’t think about it too much, just say whatever comes to mind. At the very least thinking about your dream will make you smile and that is never a bad thing.
Also, it could well plant a seed. A tree might not magically appear tomorrow, but a seed is a seed. Your next decisions may subconsciously also factor in that dream. It’s a fascinating process. It really is. For that seed to take you’ll need the right people in your life. People who don’t laugh at your dreams. People who encourage you. People who support you. People who believe in you. People who know that dreams are important. People who want to see you happy. People who want you to succeed. We could also call them friends. The real kind. The *I’ll stay up with you until I know you’ll be okay* kind.
It’s easier to dream with friends like that in your life. Society is crushing all our dreams at an early age. How many times have you heard or even said “yes, but can you make money doing that?”. Or, and this is one of my favorites, “okay, but you need to learn a trade first”. This is in Switzerland where apprenticeships are the norm and kids are 15 or 16 at the time.
So, let’s all postpone our happiness because society is not made for people living their dreams! I’m not going to go into a rant here, don’t worry. I understand why parents would say that. I really do. I just wish there was more of a *let’s see how we can help you achieve your dream while getting the education we feel you need* kind of mindset out there. I don’t like to see teenagers’ dreams being squashed the way they are. Or anybody’s dreams for that matter.
Back to you! Just imagine how amazing it would feel if you did something that made you truly happy and how much energy that would give you. Stay with that feeling for a moment. Isn’t it wonderful? Go out there and dream. Dream like you’ve never dreamed before. DREAM BIG!

Huge thanks to David for asking the right question at the right time, for encouraging others to follow their dreams, for writing music and plays about possibilities and for being the quintessential dreamer! THANK YOU!
Evelyne, this is wonderful! Some of my dreams have come true but started with my protective Mother insisting I “must be able to provide for myself” which meant for her a career in nursing, the old fashioned kind of loving and giving to people who were sick; it was a guaranteed “income” and security she wanted desperately for herself (family dysfunctions all around). I was terrified of killing some unsuspecting patient so endured sleepless nights before clinical days EVERY ONE. But I persevered and found patient advocacy was my “niche” with an employer who became a dear mentor and supported my advancing career in every way. Those days are memories now and I treasure them.
I love this, thank you! I have been fortunate. Many of my dreams have already come true.