Very good point Evelyne. I feel sorry for people who hem themselves in with sameness. I immediately thought of the line, "Variety is the spice of life", and had to look up its origin. "This idiom originally came from a poem entitled The Task, which was written in the year 1875 by a man named William Cowper. The full line is variety is the spice of life, which gives it all its flavor."
Unique is treasure! To be “special”, “different”, “a face shining in the crowd” is good! Who wants to be a lemming? 😊
I like this unique rant and look forward to a possible newsletter regarding blue M&Ms.
Very good point Evelyne. I feel sorry for people who hem themselves in with sameness. I immediately thought of the line, "Variety is the spice of life", and had to look up its origin. "This idiom originally came from a poem entitled The Task, which was written in the year 1875 by a man named William Cowper. The full line is variety is the spice of life, which gives it all its flavor."