"When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don't throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer."

Swiss engineering is second to none. I love it that trains are so accessible to you. And if you miss your train, another one is coming. Enjoy the beautiful ride.

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I love having smart friends who have a quote for everything. Thank you. I love this one.

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My father, his father and grandfather were engineers. While he would have been thrilled if I'd become one (one brother did), he at least gave me a thorough grounding and appreciation for what goes into such accomplishments. Thank you for sharing this as you did, and for another rabbit hole to dive down. :-)

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Hope you made it out of the rabbit hole again! Yes, I don't think engineers get enough appreciation. We need that kind of innovative thinking right now. The problem solvers. Thanks Zoë!

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Yes, a fascinating piece of engineering.

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You are so right! Much can only be appreciated by walking or getting out to view. Well done!🤔

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Thank you!

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This is great and you explain so well! I, too, must meditate while traveling via tunnel.

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Glad you liked it and thank you!

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