Thanks, Evelyne, for inviting me to lend my voice to your podcast on The Colorado River Crisis. You have summarized it well. It is encouraging to see and hear a world community coming together that realizes that water is and always has been the most critical resource of our lifetime and our children's lifetime. I am rooting for this beautiful relatively small river that runs through my native state to defy all of these political squabbles and do what it does best: rise above them, sink below them and soak through them to continue to give its life's blood to our people, our sovereign tribes and the stunning beauty of Arizona.

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I missed the forums on the Colorado River while listening virtually to the conference in Boulder. So pleased you included the links. Will play catch up!

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I will be reviewing your newsletters and podcasts eagerly; looking forward to same. Your head for numbers is amazing! Mine was but age and poor health have robbed me of that former talent so I will focus on the themes and ideas. Thank you! 😊

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