Wow. I never dreamed carrying 8 pounds of makeup in my purse would qualify me as an expert! Glad I could help. Just kidding, it's more like 4 pounds.

Pumpkin spice has entered the chat. I love it, but not the overpriced drinks at STBX.

Having lived in Oklahoma which was then directly in Tornado Alley, there are too many tornado/weather incidents to mention. My ride or die companion, my beautiful wire hair terrier, Sammie, spent more time with me in walk in closets, bathtubs and basements riding out storms. So I can relate.

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Thanks again. And I just had to put that in a newsletter.

I'll see if I can get a pumpkin spice flavored drink that's not overpriced. Good luck me - this is Switzerland.

I could not handle the stress of living in Tornado Alley. Nope, I just couldn't. That must have been super scary.

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Good Sunday morning Dear very active Evelyne! Yikes you’ve done more in a weekend than I’ve done in the past couple of years! I am totally impressed by all you have done!!

I can feel the Reverberations in several of the occurrences you have gone through recently as well especially the unsafe troublemaker who you and your Friend came upon going through that town!!

Sounds as if your weather has been quite a tumultuous time in your part of the Globe but also your way back references to Tornado 🌪️ Alley back in the States where you took the advice of the truckers and back then with just paper maps 🗺️ in hand saw places you stayed the night before in shambling or gone with overturned trucks and vehicles overturned and into trees! Once you got home to the “worries” about your apartments, to be that concerned about being on your balcony during that Storm must have been very significant!

I find it so impressive to think that on your time off, you planned out a timeline to write a book 📖, accomplished it and got it Published within that timeline, fell in love with painting and sharing them with us and on display on your walls and Galleries, and just so much more that you have done in this Sunday Well Wishing and Hopeful Thoughts segment, in addition to your always Amazing photography! Please Be Safe and Be Well my Friend, Always, Neal :)) 👍🌟🌏📖🌻👍☮️🌈🖖

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Thanks Neal. I can't possibly reply to everything you said - OY!

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Everything he said; running late; cats will not eat! What do I do about that? Been on iPad too long. Big presidential debate and birthday tomorrow. I’d rather be in Zurich! 😱

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You have had a remarkable and productive summer, my friend! Well done!!

Independent coffee shops out-number Starbucks in my neighbourhood 6-3 (yay!) My outsized love of espresso convinced me to invest in a good machine so I rarely visit a shop but to meet friends. Love the scent of the spice though when walking past the open door.

So very happy you and your friend are safe after that frightening incident! Road rage is a significant problem here in the big city.

Loving your book and looking forward to your future adventures in painting!

Happy Sunday! 🌻

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There is one Starbucks in NYC that I will have to go back to. One of their employees totally made my day in December 2021 and I go back to remind her every year. Plus, I get some vanilla steamed milk before a transatlantic flight to put in a thermos - stays warm until I get there. Other than that haven't really been to Starbucks much.

Oh, I have a really fancy coffee machine. I'll send you a pic. And we get free coffee at work. I don't really drink much coffee to be honest and when I do it's mostly vanilla flavored milk and just a shot of coffee.

Glad you're enjoying my book. Thank you!

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Sending out resumes? Hello, what’s that about?

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Check your email 😉

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