Sunday Morning Thoughts – September 22, 2024
I don’t have the patience for this!
Some of you know that I’ve been off work sick for the past week. Sitting up is still not easy and writing this newsletter is a bit of a test.
My doctor told me on Friday that there is no medication she can prescribe for patience. So, I guess I’m just gonna have to be patient with my body and give it time to recover. Those of you who know me also know that that’s easier said than done.
I’m also really annoyed about the whole situation – don’t think that aids the healing process. I don’t remember ever having to stay in bed for 10 days unable to do anything much. I mean the bathroom is pretty close to my bed so that helped and the kitchen/fridge is only a few steps too. I built a little fort on my bed. It had everything. Snacks, laptop with Netflix playing, all my medication. It was a real party.
I wonder how many neighbors I woke up by coughing all night. At some point my doorbell rang (during the day) but I was in no state to answer it. Did you know that coughing for several hours can have the same effect as an abs workout? Sure feels the same and makes getting out of bed difficult.
Now I’m waiting for the mucus to finally clear. It’s gotten a bit better (new medication) but it still feels like it’s stuck all over the place. Fun times.
You know what also annoys me? That I was too sick to read. I mean who is too sick to read? Anything active was out the door. So, I was watching stuff on Netflix or YouTube. Just very passively. I didn’t even read the subtitles when somebody was speaking a foreign language. And you know what I landed on? True crime. That sort of seemed to calm me down and make me feel better. I don’t want to dwell on the “why” too much.
I’m staying away from stairways - seems like a good idea (the Peterson case) and not getting arrested in the US does as well. What’s with that justice system? I mean I was living in California in 1995/96 during the OJ trial. The Menendez brothers were sentenced during that time too and there was Rodney King - another 90s story. My outside view is that there seem to be a lot of people getting off on a technicality or just bad prosecution while innocent people are locked up when the prosecution plays their cards right or the jury is biased.
It’s just weird. I mean a jury of your peers? Have you seen those peers lately? And how can somebody’s sexual orientation be a factor in a case that has nothing to do with sex? Just because the prosecutors don’t agree with that “lifestyle choice” – their words not mine. Of course it was up to the judge to allow it or not.
And jury instructions, don’t get me started on those. So the defendant is never “innocent”. They are “not guilty” if the prosecution does not prove their case beyond reasonable doubt. What exactly is reasonable doubt? And why do we not focus on whether the defendant did it or not? It becomes all about the prosecution and whether the defense was able to introduce enough doubt to get their defendant off. It’s the lawyers who take center stage. How did that happen? And who trusts lawyers? Apologies if you are one.
And that also makes it all about the money. Public defenders, pro bono lawyers might be doing the best job they can with the resources available to them but it’s no match to highly paid lawyers with deep pockets. Totally flawed system. I remember reading about prisons and numbers of inmates in the book “Humankind” by Rutger Bregman. That was very interesting.
I didn’t think this was going to turn into a rant. It must be the annoyance that’s bubbling up.
Also, on my mind – sugar. Now, when you’re sick it’s difficult to eat healthy because that needs more prep work than you’re able to do. And chocolate is always a good idea, right? It definitely is when you’re Swiss. So, there was a lot of pasta, chocolate and ice cream (to cool my throat). Fast energy. Fast energy to lie in bed half-dead. It just makes no sense whatsoever. But there you go.
I probably shouldn’t talk about pelvic floor muscles and how they might struggle with all the coughing and sneezing.
I guess a tv would have been nice. Then again, I don’t get sick all that often. So, no tv really does work for me. More time to be creative. I don’t have any pictures from this week, so I’m sharing a piece of art I did earlier.
Thanks to all of you who bought my book. It means a lot. I will start promoting it on IG and YT (only like 5 to 6 weeks late 😉) when I feel better.
Hope you’re all well. Have a lovely Sunday. Hugs all around.
Sorry you have been sick. Hopefully better days ahead.
Jury instructions. Have been the court reporter on hundreds of them. Before Judge reads them to jury, there has been a closed door session with Judge while each Attorney lobbies for his side as to what instructions will be read. Reasonable doubt is a standard instruction. I've heard it explained as not just any doubt that pops in your head but a doubt that makes you stop and consider.
Our U.S. justice system is not perfect to be sure, many flaws, but I am glad it works most of the time. For the rest, there is an appeal from state courts to the Court of Appeals and finally the US Supreme Court to seek justice.
Nice article.
It's not easy being green. May those coughing muscles get a rest, and all heal soonest.