Sorry you have been sick. Hopefully better days ahead.

Jury instructions. Have been the court reporter on hundreds of them. Before Judge reads them to jury, there has been a closed door session with Judge while each Attorney lobbies for his side as to what instructions will be read. Reasonable doubt is a standard instruction. I've heard it explained as not just any doubt that pops in your head but a doubt that makes you stop and consider.

Our U.S. justice system is not perfect to be sure, many flaws, but I am glad it works most of the time. For the rest, there is an appeal from state courts to the Court of Appeals and finally the US Supreme Court to seek justice.

Nice article.

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Thank you for your inside perspective, Sharon. Good to hear that they work in most cases. We - of course - only hear about the high profile ones. I remember the Louise Woodward case where the judge basically said that the jurors clearly did not understand nor follow his instructions and decided on "time served" because he didn't agree with their verdict.

I would probably be a nightmare juror. Nightmare for everybody else on the jury. I'd notice the tiniest details and inconsistencies. Probably better that we don't do that here.

Similar system here in terms of appeals.

I was asked about the difference between Switzerland and the US on X. I'd say the main difference is that our entire system is focused around rehabilitation. We have a lot of suspended sentences or fines instead of jail time. I think Norway has a similar system. Not too familiar with other countries in Europe. But that's probably the main difference.

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It's not easy being green. May those coughing muscles get a rest, and all heal soonest.

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Thank you Zoë!

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Sending virtual "feel better" chocolate your way 🍫

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So sorry you’re down. Must be very frustrating. Being ill is never a good thing unless you can write but you may be too sick to do that. Do what the doctor prescribes and you’ll be back soon enough. Sending hugs and fur baby kisses. 😘

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Thanks Judith - sending hugs and kisses back.

*back to edit the name, sorry Judith - didn't mean to call you Rena.

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I couldn’t tell that you did. You are very wise if you can edit on this app; I cannot. I have to delete and start over. Especially when I misspell names. Very frustrating when I’m so slow already. 🐢 Feel better today! 😘

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I can only edit comments on the web version, I think. I can edit my newsletters on the app, but haven't managed to edit any comments.

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