Very informative article. I love the posters. There are smiling young men and women. The look engaged and present.

Unlike the mostly old White men running the US Congress who cannot even elect a Speaker. The contrast is startling.

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Thanks Sharon.

Yes, mostly happy with the work they are doing. I mean depending on the party of course. The parties that are to the right have gained seats as expected, but no absolute majority. I love that we have many parties. It helps with stability and no eight (or how ever many it was) people can hold an entire country hostage. There is a similar position to that of your speaker in our parliament. I don't remember it ever making headlines - or at least not negative ones. I think we alternate language regions.

And it's all very civilized. Except for that one time when a federal councilor was ousted. That was quite something. It had never happened before. I'll see if I can find a video with English subtitles. Back to edit: it had happened before but never like this. It was brilliant.

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I would move that bar up to “absolutely astonishingly effective and reasonable.” I want to move to Switzerland 🇨🇭 please!

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I agree with Rena. I'm also curious about where the funding for all the campaign posters comes from. Is there any television advertising, or debates?

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Interesting question. I'll have to take a moment (some other time) to look into this more. Here's what I know without checking.

No tv ads as far as I'm aware and no debates. We usually have discussions on tv relating to topics we vote about, but not for elections. Parties get money from their members and others can contribute too of course. But there's nowhere near as much money involved as in the US. I think I read that the party who spent most in my canton had a total budget of about USD 450.000. I've never been asked for money. And as far as I'm concerned their salaries are good enough to pay for their election campains themselves.

Not all 6000 candidates have posters up either. It's usually the top candidate(s) for each party. Or local candidates. Trying to get people to use their party list. You do see candidates handing out flyers and chocolates etc. at train stations. But that's about it.

As for the results - SVP (which I would translate as Swiss National Party - officially it's Swiss People's Party) won one seat which they stole from the EVP (Evangelical People's Party). SVP are by far the strongest party in my canton. They hold 7/16 seats.

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I prefer your election style. There is so much corruption and greed in American politics. It's frustrating. Thank you for this information, I found it fascinating. Without coffee yet :)

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