Can confirm cider points in British/UK English. Don't know what Australians use. Would rarely say apple cider unless distinguishing from say pear cider (properly called perry)- it would just be cider normally. "Hard..." to signify alcoholic isn't meaningful at all in UK.

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Thanks for confirming Martin.

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OK, cider is alcoholic in Oz too

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And thanks for checking about Oz too.

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Looking forward to your next steps 🌻 Favorite photo - b&w 😊

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Thank you!

Mine too, but a bit "dark" in all senses of the word to make it my cover picture for this post.

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Hi my Dear Evelyne, I have to agree with the many and here in my neck of the City of Boston, Apple 🍎 Cider has never been with any alcohol in it! I have heard the term Hard Cider but I have never had it! Especially around Holiday time my Mother always used to bring the Apple Cider to the kids table on Thanksgiving and Christmas and yes even though I was brought up Jewish we Celebrated Every Holiday! I always say, Merry Everyday!!

I do Love your Collage of Pictures you have gathered!

Another interesting point is that I am thoroughly impressed with is that you can bend down to the floor and put your hands down flat! Very flexible! I can’t even use a shoehorn either as now I have to use Velcro shoes! I’ve tried the new slip on shoes & sneakers but they’re too loose!!

Lastly, I think it was nice that you helped that guy looking for the nails! Here in the hardware stores there are isles that are very long and I would be useless!! My older daughter Barbara is what they call here a Journey person Carpenter and she could tell me what I would need, then come over and fix it for me!! Though she is currently on Maternity leave her plan is to become the very first Female President of the Union (Boys Club)!! I know she will get there! I hope that you and all your readers did have an Awesome Sunday! I had a great weekend and can’t wait until the Official Elections are even close to being over!!

All my Best, Always, Neal :)) 🎤🎶📖🗳️🍁👍🌈☮️

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Reframing self? Did I get that? NEVERMIND. Hurricane recovery and said to be very close election that could destroy lives the world over on Tuesday have broken my brain. Holding my breath for the impossible to find truth until it’s over…….& wondering if it will ever be. What I know is normally when I have access to internet 🛜, love your twizzling posts and details. Photos dazzling! Tours always fun. Looking forward I hope to next Sunday when the life outside my cage will be clearer. 😘

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