It is Jaime’s birthday today! I thought about how incredibly awesome you were with her when you lived with us! And how you helped me pickup our beautiful rescue Ragdoll cat! Thanks for all the good times!♥️

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Thanks for the birthday reminder. And yes, those were really good time. Thank you for that.

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Have a great time with painting!! 🎨 Vivian Maier's street photography ❤ omd the little girl & goat story ❤❤ My first "job" was getting out of class to take kindergarteners under a big tree in the school courtyard and read to them! Bruno Mars (billed as Mark Ronson) "Uptown Funk" 🎶 Loved hearing about your adventure week! Happy Sunday!

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Might share one of the things I painted with you.

Love your first job. Interesting choice of song - will have to re-listen.

Thanks and have a great rest of your Sunday.

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"I love that I tried and failed at this one."

I often sound like a cliche... but I don't care. THAT sentence makes me smile. I'm a big fan of failure. (Success is FUN! But every time I've failed I've learned something or grown in some way. Every time.)

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Your comment made me smile. Thank you.

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Golly, it is late. So much packed into this newsletter! Of course, you’d win the trophy 🏆 on geography in Switzerland; elsewhere too. Landlocked not so bad with those glorious mountains. You asked about song, “I HOPE YOU DANCE” 💃🏼 by Lee Ann Womack and others. It’s another way of saying get all you can out of life, very inspiring. Found a way to listen while I write but get distracted easily! Another I like to use to get out the vote and empower women is “I AM WOMAN “ hear me roar, in numbers too big to ignore 🎶🎼🎤……by Helen Reddy. Women here don’t need too much encouragement these days to vote to get our rights reinstated from the right wing religious wing nuts trying to make Handmaidens out of all of us. But enough politics! Waiting for my absentee ballot; reminds me must call to see if request filled in am! Excited about your painting. Agree, feel Van Gogh and his pain more than other painters. So excelled, wish he had lived long enough to know how others valued him. His situation makes me sad, mental illness is so undertreated with therapy as should be in my opinion. Just “medicate and street them” is a sorry, lame excuse for not engaging in helpful cognitive interaction with qualified professionals. Missed my Sunday, sick, 🤢, slept through it,

must be alright now that it’s time for sleep 😴 which I cannot do now! Just hate missing a Sunday. So far behind on all my stacks! Guess I’ll play catch up! I love toddlers too but none available. Have a good week! 😘

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Love your song choices.

Staying away from the news - too depressing.

When it comes to mental health there is a lot that society as a whole can do. That's why I'm speaking up the way I do. Will spend the rest of today working on my book.

Feel better soon. Gentle hugs.

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Better now, think I slept forever. 😘

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WE  MUST INTERRUPT THIS BROADCAST TO BRING BREAKING NEWS.                                                (Like sands through the hourglass, these are the days of our lives!)


Hot off the presses. Well, we all know that Trump’s lawyer had to get a lawyer for withholding evidence from the prosecution and that this lawyer’s lawyer is in deep shit so he’s lawyered up. To make a short story long :) from what my reporter in the field, Newt the albino banjo-picker, has informed me that Trump’s lawyer’s lawyer’s lawyers lawyer’s lawyer had to lawyer up. One second. We are experiencing  some technical difficulties. Please stay tuned!  .Newt is out in his shotgun shack adjusting his rabbit ears: OK More Breaking news. I guess this lawyer’s lawyer has to lawyer up, so by the time that Trump is crowned King, there will be a string of lawyers, all holding hands that stretch from coast to coast. It will be a moment in history we can tell our grandkids someday. If we survive this!

Me and Newt have found that our sources here in our shotgun shack, are able to investigate and then divulge reliable facts. OK Newt, play me some Earl and Scruggs!

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May 19
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Who you calling old? ;-)

Glad you're up and dancing.

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