Dearest Evelyne I had left an entire response to your Always thought provoking and teaching posts on so many topics of interest to me! I was nearing the end of my response to your post and it disappeared and now at nearly 6 AM I am just needing to shut down for a bit and will try to reconstruct my thoughts another time! I will say here that I was so thrilled to hear of your experience with EMDR. The Feelings you experienced post your session are both necessary and expected after a Freeing and Understanding exercise such as that! I was trained in EMDR, by PHD Dr George Everly in 1985. Here in the USA because I do not hold the credentials to perform EMDR I always had people on my CISM Team that were trained and credentialed and near 98% of my referrals were Positive experiences. Your post session experiences and expressions are both Expected and Necessary to cleanse your thought process. As I was taught it is a “Normal Reaction”, to what is considered, regardless of Etiology, a very “Abnormal and Traumatic” Response to any thought provoking expression such as you described! I am so glad your experience was a Positive and Cleansing session for you. All the post session Feelings are “Normal”? and to be Expected to help continue the Healing Process. I feel I need to shut down for now as I feel I am speaking ragtime here at 6 AM! I thank you for your entire post and I did want to ask you about the translation of the Wording outside the Police station! I just Loved all you had to say about Art and the Art’s and you’re Brilliance on the topics of Museums and the Incredible Interest in and of the classes and Art Related tours you avail yourself to. Thanks again for all you shared! I am not sure my mind could ever catch up with what I said in my previous reply to your Always Educational and Caring posts! Thanks as Always,

Neal from Boston.

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Thank you Neal. I had no idea you were trained in EMDR. Sorry to hear your reply disappeared. Maybe put it in a word document or something and then copy-paste.

Not sure what you mean by the wording outside the police station. The only non-English word on the page I shared was Blüemlihalle - that's small flower hall in English. (German Blume becomes Blüemli, i.e. small flower). If it was something else, plase let me know.

Thanks for your continued support and please rest well.

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I'm so excited for your art plan!!!

If you're referring to my "West" I thank you 🤞🏻

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Hi Evelyne, my referral to outside the Police station was as I recall was 3 words right outside the station itself. It was so early in my morning it could have been in English and I was just popped and needed more sleep! Thanks to all the kind likes to my partial response to my post missing message to you! Thanks too for your suggestion about copy and pasting my post content! I just give that a try!! All my thanks and Best, Always, Neal :)) 🎤🎶👍☮️🌈🖖

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Hey Neal

Ah, I see - so I gave you the answer already.



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Sorry to be so late. Enduring the trauma of political diatribes coming from everywhere including Substack authors I had to just turn off for a bit. I love the way your mind just moves from one thought to another in a random way. Pleased that your therapy is going well. And that you are engaging in works of art as a learning experience. No one could ever accuse you correctly of being less than anyone else. You pursue so many avenues. And work experiences. I confess I was curious about the “ Origin of the World” (Too lazy now to type in French). Just googled a little to find it was posted on Facebook at one time and you are correct; the censors came out to try to crucify Zuckerburg but he handled it well. As for the painting itself, seems very natural and anatomically correct to me and I would know having been with physicians examining same for 27 years. Attendant required by physicians to hand over instruments, etc.

Wonder why a painting of this subject would garner so much attention considering all the nude sculptures by Michelangelo, etc. Bodies are beautiful. Some people enjoy nude beaches. What’s the fuss? I promise not to miss a post from you but trying to keep my sanity at bay by limiting political posts which are everywhere in my feed as I hope to do whatever I am able to secure Democracy from the cult of Trump and his minions. I get caught falling into rabbit holes for hours on end and our election is months away and will be just as vicious as expected. Moving on to see if I missed another! Was very ill on Sunday; recovering a bit now. Love you my dear friend! 😘

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Just realized I never replied to this. Sorry you were ill - hope you are feeling better.

Not sure about nude beaches myself, but I've always thought going to a sauna and wearing a bathing suit defeated the purpose.

Can't stand watching ANY politics at the moment, but might go back to watching the news soon-ish. There's just so much at stake.

Gentle hugs.

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