It was always "train station" where I grew up around Philadelphia, which had great train service in the day.

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Martin was just being Martin ;-)

How about it's "train station" where there's actually good service such as Philadelphia and Switzerland and "railway station" where we'd rather not speak about it. That might work.

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Same thought 🤣It's so annoying that the caps are now attached to the bottles😡and I do the same with the bottles :I make them flat otherwise I need a ship container 🛳️I Sicily I drink at least 2 and half liters of water a day

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Absolutely ridiculous. I'd die in Sicilly I would need to drink like 4 liters a day.

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More seriously, this change has been very rapid. No one said train station until as about 1990. Not sure if this works?


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Yes it works, thanks!

Change is sometimes very fast and at other times changes sneak up on you. Fascinating stuff.

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Language fascinates me. I love that you're a linguist and wish I had a better grasp of language. Living in a diverse community is exciting. So many languages. Are you familiar with Spanglish? There are many Spanish speakers in my area and most will throw in English words. I'm always curious which and why those words get that treatment.

Happy Sunday! Hugs!

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All I am saying on this is that "train station" is wrong and "railway station" is correct.

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You asking for trouble? Just made me LOL on a crowded train 😂

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I have a problem in language/ linguistics that needs your response. I assume that acronyms were perhaps present before the digital information era but I arrived late, sadly, so not sure. I DESPISE searching for the source of not so evident to me abbreviations, if that term used correctly. Written shorthand or dictation in my generation were things to record while someone dictated a message for typing formally later to beloved and appreciated secretaries. Saved time for professionals required to communicate to colleagues, others. The point was to formalize thoughts in a way that would be clear as crystal to the reader. (Your thoughts on linguistics brought me here. Dealing with American English and being precise was always my goal.) So having arrived in 2024 I repeatedly speak to google incognito to tell me the meaning of various acronyms as I read. Thank goodness my cell phone back up to iPad is available because no thesaurus could keep up. I am very fond of precise language and yet understand the need for speed as the saying goes. We are time limited more than ever and always in a bloody (British adjective) hurry to get things done including reading, writing. I get it; I’m just not aging well in language skills. I don’t want to! I liked the way things were! As a person with ADHD (yeah, had that one a long time) I once dictated a full article in a medical journal in one sitting without stopping once for notes from memory alone. If I stop, 🛑, the train of thought goes out the window or stream of consciousness and I may not be able to resurrect. Enough. Pearls from past and present. Your linguistics references and education are fascinating! See, forgot, comment on acronyms, your ideas?💡 😘

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PS really TMI, do that too often on awakening. Apologies!

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PPS OMG, daylight savings time has arrived and I am so late already. Have a few acronyms “down”. The ADHD, LOL, OMG, 😱 is better. Now that I think of it, emojis are acronyms in a way, get the job done! 😘

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We haven't changed the clocks yet here. It's always the last weekend in March.

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Sorry, deleted previous comment - let's keep this correct. TMI is short for something, but not really an acronym. Acronyms are pronounced as a word. TMI is just three letters pronounced seperately. And, come to think of it any acronym is really also an abbreviation of sorts.

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Back to edit: Acronyms and abbreviations are not the same, but as noted below an acronym is technically an abbreviation. If you know something is an acronym like let's say NATO (first letters of North Athlantic Treaty Organization) it's easier to find. Same for other abbreviations. They are just shorter versions of a word. There seem to be more acronyms around. I find that the Urban Dictionary helps with some of the newer ones. I'm not all up to date either. Languages are changing faster now that we're all connected.

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