Love the pic of old town Zurich and River Limmat. How casually you say "And sometimes you can see the Alps." Enjoy it all!

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Thank you Sharon.

I didn't want to say you can see them most days 😉

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Beam me over yet? Dreams are good at this age.

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Wish I could!

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Good morning Dear Evelyne. I have no idea why I am awake but I am here in Boston. I am so excited for you regarding your 49 chapters of your upcoming Best Seller of your World Tour book signing book tour. Hope you let me know when your tour brings you to Boston so I can get my book 📚 signed by you to me!! I am guessing there will be a chapter in your book about this rain 🌧️ you are having as well as your ever growing collection of books by others just waiting for your’s to be in the Library’s you so Love to go to! Just think, I am so proud of you, think 🤔 how proud will be of yourself to see your own book in the section you want it to be!! I know too there will be a large section of your Love for hiking, photography and so many other topics that are yet to come from your very Brilliant and ever thought provoking mind! My current feelings about your under the covers meditation. I never thought of it as meditation but in my case I call it Physical Therapy! I have been doing it for years now but now even more as I am trying to get back the use of my left leg which I lost function of about 5 months ago, I am coming along but my biggest goal is to get strong enough to be able to get my puppy Apache back! I did get a visit with him yesterday and I was even able to walk with him outside just down the stairway with just a cane and we were able to walk a wee bit while my sister in law who has been caring for him for all these months and I know, some months to come.

It must be Amazing to be currently working in such a Beautiful place where beyond the University you can see the Alps which I am certain you will climb as you are doing with your upward bound entire Life. Just going back a bit in your post, I loved your comment about fitting into your clothes vs you planning the positive direction of getting the clothes you want and to have fit you! I know I did not word it correctly but it’s the best I can recall at my OLD age! I do have recall of the decade of your age! I think you and all your direction of both Doing and thinking is indeed something that this month of “Pride”, will be a springboard of your ever growing journey to what you want your Life to be. I have great Pride in you and all you continue to accomplish in your life day after day! Keep up the Great work and Goals for yourself Dear Evelyne! I take great Pride and Pleasure knowing and Respecting you and your Life struggles and Goals!! Keep up your great journey’s,

Neal. :))

I can hear those bells a ringing all the way here! 💒🔔, All my Best is coming your way! 👍📖🌈☮️

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Awwww, thank you so much Neal. Sending hugs to you and Apache.

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Always a good Sunday morning read. Enjoy pushing forward on your book!📕👍♥️

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Thanks Linda.

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What fun! Working on your book... bookshop, cafe, trains... painting... rearranging furniture... clearing out the wardrobe... plans for hiking in the Netherlands... Pride... I laugh each time I think of how you enlightened me to loud Catholic church bells :) I didn't realize all *your* podcasts were missing :( Under-The-Covers-Yoga, yay!! Also, yay daydreaming!! Happy Sunday!!

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Thanks Rena. Your comment made me laugh too and send you a voice message with those LOUD church bells. Happy Sunday.

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Jun 2
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Excellent idea. Thanks!

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That was my favorite section, coming in late on Monday morning. The entire essay was so Evelyne fine, loved it, Moon pose maybe the best. Not ready to come out from under the covers, film journey with my new fave too long yesterday. But that’s what ancient of age and few responsibilities allow; going with the flow and doing exactly as I please whenever the creaky old body permits, sleeping in! 😴 But had to catch up with Evelyne first. Good night again until mandatory lunch time. 🥱; cats 😽😽 sleeping in too. Have a good week! 😘

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Thanks Judith 😘

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