Thank you Evelyne. You asked where I could get to in in 2-4hrs. Well Inverness is pretty good, we have:
- Practically all the Highlands. I know these aren't high by Swiss standards but you have to start at sea-level and go up about 1000m, so they count as mountains.
- E, W and N coasts. With have good coasts. With sea beyond. Probably not many islands in that time but Skye is possible (if it still counts as an island)
- Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen
Is Muskelkater "stiff" in English, roughly?
Water: I don't object to paying for tap water if it's clear what is expected. I quite like the Italian approach to things where you pay a cover charge (a few Euros) and get a place setting, water, often bread and there is no doubt that a tip isn't required on top. All clear. I am also very happy drinking stream/glacier water when above habitation. This variously horrifies people or seems entirely normal, depending.
Thanks Martin. I love Scotland! So much to explore. The Highlands are stunning. I learned that those are mountains the hard way. I was served burnt toast when I said that they were hills 😒. Love, love, love the Scottish coastline. That's missing in Switzerland for sure. Been to Inverness, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen. Liked them all - Inverness might have been my favorite.
Muskelkater is aching muscles - like your muscles are hung over (Kater = German for a hang over), but yes "stiff" works well here too.
I love trying to figure out how to get free water in surrounding countries. In France it's "une caraffe d'eau s.v.p.". In Germany I always drink Apfelschorle anyway. I agree that it needs to be clear. Guide books surely mention having to pay for tap water at restaurants and the menus usually tell you too - if you know where to look.
Oh and drinking stream water - entirely normal to me.
You might like the "Far North" railway from Inverness to Thurso. The straight line distance is only about 80miles but the train takes 4hrs because is goes in several zig-zags, trundles along gentle and changes direction twice. You get sea, mountain, sea, castle, mountain, sea, moor, more moor, sea. There are several stops where you have ask the guard to stop the train for you if you want to get off (and wave if you want to get on). Also one with no road to it.
Oh, that sounds lovely. Goes on my list. Thank you.
Been to Thurso but by car. It's where we stayed at a b&b and together with the owner decided that Scotland, Switzerland and Norway should form their own union. Good times 😉
4 hours to the seashore, 4 hours to the Appalachians. No public transportation to speak of.
I checked out videos of the gorge, thanks. Love the Holmes reference for comparison. The google blurbs amused me, as every single one mentions "romantic grottos". So, how romantic were they? ;-)
Having water on the table has been a U.S. expectation for many years. Droughts have occasionally turned it to having to be asked for. There are many areas where I would never drink the tap water due to it tasting awful. That was before concerns about safety arose. One of the things I miss most about my old place in the New Jersey woods, is my well. Wonderfully clean, great tasting bedrock water. Love the Berkey water filter a friend gave me a few years back.
It really is hard to believe people fall for those bots. I mean c'mon, they are SO obvious!
Sorry to disappoint you, I didn't notice any romantic grottos. I was there alone and far more focused on not slipping and falling and staying away from the edge as much as possible.
I love that I can drink tap water almost anywhere around here. As Martin said, you can easily drink water from the streams up in the mountains too.
Looks like the weather will be nice next weekend. So the decision will be finish book or go on adventures 😉
Really like the video from this adventure! One of my favorite childhood memories is of my Oma sending me to the nearby sauerbrunnen armed with a couple bottles. Love mineral water. Great story running into your new friends again! Happy Sunday!
Thank you Evelyne. You asked where I could get to in in 2-4hrs. Well Inverness is pretty good, we have:
- Practically all the Highlands. I know these aren't high by Swiss standards but you have to start at sea-level and go up about 1000m, so they count as mountains.
- E, W and N coasts. With have good coasts. With sea beyond. Probably not many islands in that time but Skye is possible (if it still counts as an island)
- Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen
Is Muskelkater "stiff" in English, roughly?
Water: I don't object to paying for tap water if it's clear what is expected. I quite like the Italian approach to things where you pay a cover charge (a few Euros) and get a place setting, water, often bread and there is no doubt that a tip isn't required on top. All clear. I am also very happy drinking stream/glacier water when above habitation. This variously horrifies people or seems entirely normal, depending.
Thanks Martin. I love Scotland! So much to explore. The Highlands are stunning. I learned that those are mountains the hard way. I was served burnt toast when I said that they were hills 😒. Love, love, love the Scottish coastline. That's missing in Switzerland for sure. Been to Inverness, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen. Liked them all - Inverness might have been my favorite.
Muskelkater is aching muscles - like your muscles are hung over (Kater = German for a hang over), but yes "stiff" works well here too.
I love trying to figure out how to get free water in surrounding countries. In France it's "une caraffe d'eau s.v.p.". In Germany I always drink Apfelschorle anyway. I agree that it needs to be clear. Guide books surely mention having to pay for tap water at restaurants and the menus usually tell you too - if you know where to look.
Oh and drinking stream water - entirely normal to me.
You might like the "Far North" railway from Inverness to Thurso. The straight line distance is only about 80miles but the train takes 4hrs because is goes in several zig-zags, trundles along gentle and changes direction twice. You get sea, mountain, sea, castle, mountain, sea, moor, more moor, sea. There are several stops where you have ask the guard to stop the train for you if you want to get off (and wave if you want to get on). Also one with no road to it.
Oh, that sounds lovely. Goes on my list. Thank you.
Been to Thurso but by car. It's where we stayed at a b&b and together with the owner decided that Scotland, Switzerland and Norway should form their own union. Good times 😉
One writer to another...
You write like you. You sound like you.
That's a very, very good thing.
(That's all for today. Nice update!)
Thank you David what a lovely thing to read 😘
4 hours to the seashore, 4 hours to the Appalachians. No public transportation to speak of.
I checked out videos of the gorge, thanks. Love the Holmes reference for comparison. The google blurbs amused me, as every single one mentions "romantic grottos". So, how romantic were they? ;-)
Having water on the table has been a U.S. expectation for many years. Droughts have occasionally turned it to having to be asked for. There are many areas where I would never drink the tap water due to it tasting awful. That was before concerns about safety arose. One of the things I miss most about my old place in the New Jersey woods, is my well. Wonderfully clean, great tasting bedrock water. Love the Berkey water filter a friend gave me a few years back.
It really is hard to believe people fall for those bots. I mean c'mon, they are SO obvious!
May the weather cooperate for more walks soon!
Sorry to disappoint you, I didn't notice any romantic grottos. I was there alone and far more focused on not slipping and falling and staying away from the edge as much as possible.
I love that I can drink tap water almost anywhere around here. As Martin said, you can easily drink water from the streams up in the mountains too.
Looks like the weather will be nice next weekend. So the decision will be finish book or go on adventures 😉
Really like the video from this adventure! One of my favorite childhood memories is of my Oma sending me to the nearby sauerbrunnen armed with a couple bottles. Love mineral water. Great story running into your new friends again! Happy Sunday!
Thank you Rena! And what a great memory.