Dear Evelyne, what Brilliant pictures, Incredible Architecture and so much that went into the building of these as Amazing Buildings! Yes indeed it was a Personal drive and need at the time these everlasting structures were conceived and built many of them especially upon completion were likely heavily used for the every Sunday morning worship of whatever brand of Religion each structure and Gods they were built for and adhered to by their Communities, Families and likely some of their members who took part in the building of these structures!! I would not know about that tradition except I knew of some Families that did and some who still do adhere to that doctrine over my Lifetime. The years have been shown in your article this morning the most Wonderful transformation of some of these structures being used and for the precise purposes that you have found in your Historical piece here today and likely many more! What a great place of Learning of the Structures, their background history of what the Religion were drawn into the building of each structure and how it was equated for each religion! I loved the pictures that you shared and your thought process of especially the Huge clock in showing how it did seem to present the earth in thought was the center of the universe and our world when in fact our home is just a tiny speck within this galaxy and my personal wonder of how many other specks in other galaxies think they are also the one and only place that wonders if there is another place with beings as Special as we think of ours! I couldn’t really tell much more of the clock figure to take any more than I have mentioned but thanks so much for all your thought and sharing of your piece this morning and I am certain you will get many more responses that can and will have differing and welcomed thoughts than my own! Thanks so much for sharing this mornings story line! Always, Neal :)) 💒🔔🌏🌈

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Thank you so much for your thoughts Neal. Always appreciated.

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How very many uses there are for churches no longer used with the frequency of former years. Art galleries, book stores, homeless shelters in some places. I especially take note of the 24 hour clock. ⏰ I’ve never seen one before! Have a lovely Sunday! 😘

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I'm gonna see if I can find others like them in Switzerland. I love when we find a new purpose for things instead of destroying them.

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In my neighborhood there are two former churches now both single family dwellings. Fancy!

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Super fancy. I always said that my dream was to live in a lighthouse. A small chapel would be very cool too.

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