Already wrote long comment but it’s lost in cyberspace I think! Not a big deal. Love your photo of the local church.
Think I said something like it was a good thing when people gathered to share news in the community on Sundays in church. Lots easier than following threads of conversation that get confusing in the line up. Rain, breakfast, church bells on a Sunday afternoon! Good to find you yesterday with David in Central Park while I was multitasking. 😘
Was nice to see you there. Next time is at the end of the month I think. Forgot to mention that church bells were also used to communicate. I mean the time for one and also when someone died etc. Will include that next time.
Hahaha laughing at loud catholic church bells because of course they are 😄 Attended private school for 12 years which included mass every morning. At age 8 I determined their god was not the same as mine. I'm a humanist with some fondness for buddhism. Still love the sound of church bells.
You should hear them at 4.45 on a Saturday afternoon. Both protestant and catholic bells ring for 15 minutes. This used to signal that is was time to stop working in the fields and break for Sunday. I actually love those 15 minutes. Might have to do with my last name - it means "bell" in Swiss German.
I’ve been thinking about Buddhism! Have a new DVD to watch to learn. Fascinated by the calm demeanor of the Dalai Lama. China taking Tibet from the people was tragic! Interesting film if you’ve not seen it is “Seven Years in Tibet”
with Brad Pitt as chosen teacher to minor Dalia Lama as in he was very young in this adaptation. You might enjoy if you can find streaming somewhere. 🥰
There's a Buddhist temple about 5.5 miles from here in Gretzenbach. I actually went on a tour there in 2018. Very interesting. Also a humanist, Rena. I decided aged 5 that a system where I couldn't go visit my sister in paradise was not for me. Glad I went to public school with no religion forced on me.
That film is part of my DVD collection. What is even more criminal for people of Tibet is Chinese government forcing them to renounce their heritage and give up their language and customs. Erasing Tibet. There is a cap on the number on monks and nuns allowed to practice.
That's crazy! I went to a Tibetian Freedom Concert in Golden Gate Park in 1996. Doesn't look like anything's changed. Or if it has then it was probably to the worse.
"Church architecture describes visually the idea of the sacred, which is a fundamental need of man." Very informative article for a Sunday morning. I feel everyone has their own idea of the sacred and churches memorialize that in our history. I find cathedrals in nature and the sacred in everyday lessons. Thanks for sharing.
I love that quote. Thank you. There's a lot in that, that I still want to share. About architecture, politics, money, power and the ideals of what a sacred place needed to look like. The bigger the better. And yes! to nature and everyday lessons. Most definitely.
Already wrote long comment but it’s lost in cyberspace I think! Not a big deal. Love your photo of the local church.
Think I said something like it was a good thing when people gathered to share news in the community on Sundays in church. Lots easier than following threads of conversation that get confusing in the line up. Rain, breakfast, church bells on a Sunday afternoon! Good to find you yesterday with David in Central Park while I was multitasking. 😘
Was nice to see you there. Next time is at the end of the month I think. Forgot to mention that church bells were also used to communicate. I mean the time for one and also when someone died etc. Will include that next time.
Hahaha laughing at loud catholic church bells because of course they are 😄 Attended private school for 12 years which included mass every morning. At age 8 I determined their god was not the same as mine. I'm a humanist with some fondness for buddhism. Still love the sound of church bells.
You should hear them at 4.45 on a Saturday afternoon. Both protestant and catholic bells ring for 15 minutes. This used to signal that is was time to stop working in the fields and break for Sunday. I actually love those 15 minutes. Might have to do with my last name - it means "bell" in Swiss German.
I’ve been thinking about Buddhism! Have a new DVD to watch to learn. Fascinated by the calm demeanor of the Dalai Lama. China taking Tibet from the people was tragic! Interesting film if you’ve not seen it is “Seven Years in Tibet”
with Brad Pitt as chosen teacher to minor Dalia Lama as in he was very young in this adaptation. You might enjoy if you can find streaming somewhere. 🥰
There's a Buddhist temple about 5.5 miles from here in Gretzenbach. I actually went on a tour there in 2018. Very interesting. Also a humanist, Rena. I decided aged 5 that a system where I couldn't go visit my sister in paradise was not for me. Glad I went to public school with no religion forced on me.
That film is part of my DVD collection. What is even more criminal for people of Tibet is Chinese government forcing them to renounce their heritage and give up their language and customs. Erasing Tibet. There is a cap on the number on monks and nuns allowed to practice.
That's crazy! I went to a Tibetian Freedom Concert in Golden Gate Park in 1996. Doesn't look like anything's changed. Or if it has then it was probably to the worse.
The situation is dire. Same for the Uyghur people.
"Church architecture describes visually the idea of the sacred, which is a fundamental need of man." Very informative article for a Sunday morning. I feel everyone has their own idea of the sacred and churches memorialize that in our history. I find cathedrals in nature and the sacred in everyday lessons. Thanks for sharing.
I love that quote. Thank you. There's a lot in that, that I still want to share. About architecture, politics, money, power and the ideals of what a sacred place needed to look like. The bigger the better. And yes! to nature and everyday lessons. Most definitely.