All the “norms” were created to produce a need for products, services to line the pockets of the money grabbers. If not for preconceived norms, there would be no need for diet products, magic cures for whatever, the lead before the punch line, “enter your payment method here.” It’s always about the money 💰 💰💰. Problem is most of our society has already bought the image thus the norms and so are critical of the “other.” And insecure in their own reflection in the mirror. A little astray (excuse my brain inundated with toxic Trump hysteria likely justified, but....) look at the idiot former guy. The dyed hair, massive combover with how much spray to keep his bald head from exposure? And really, the orange make up to “present” his outdoorsy clean cut HEALTHY tanned look 👀 at which it fails miserably. The long shirts to cover his soon if not already out of control midsection hanging over his belt. Bulging out the sides of his shirts. IMAGE 🟰 PROFIT. Our collective mental health is not an issue in a power hungry greedy world. Creating the need for products that bring in 💰💰💰 is how so many survive. Wouldn’t you think they have something better to offer? We are great the way we are. I’d like to weigh less to move more easily but that’s another matter. You are enough as you are. Revel in it!

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Yep, all about the money and the image. We're going to have an even bigger mental health crisis on our hands than we're already in pretty soon. And it's not going to end well.

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