Good day to you Rhena. Thank you for the fascinating tour. And please thank Evelyne for providing links to pertinent information. I enjoyed reading about the sand swallows. I look forward to one day dipping my feet in your refreshing waters. I know. Sorry.
Good day to you Rhena. Thank you for the fascinating tour. And please thank Evelyne for providing links to pertinent information. I enjoyed reading about the sand swallows. I look forward to one day dipping my feet in your refreshing waters. I know. Sorry.
Good day to you Rhena. Thank you for the fascinating tour. And please thank Evelyne for providing links to pertinent information. I enjoyed reading about the sand swallows. I look forward to one day dipping my feet in your refreshing waters. I know. Sorry.
Keep your feet out of my face!
Sorry, that was Rhena. Thanks, Rena.