Sorry to be so late! Photos very nice. I would never survive the travel without was it passenger in seat 61? And all the details would make me very nervous. I traveled a great deal with my work throughout major cities in the USA 🇺🇸.

The saying was you couldn’t get from my home (Birmingham, AL) to Heaven or Hell without going through the massive Atlanta Airport, specific name has changed, was Hartsfield International but that’s history. I could “do” that airport like a pro for many years and almost all destinations as well. I had a system and a hand pulled cart on wheels for my luggage and briefcase (work). The only city that confused me was the Boston ? You know, the MTA, that’s the one. Instructions were posted but Northerners don’t speak Southern. And the instructions posted might as well have been in Swiss or Dutch even for all the good they were. Nightmare! Must have finished the trip because here I am.

Delighted with your adventures and courage to set out alone sightseeing! On to your next post. Very behind, Incidents at home, trees through roof, climate change coming for me! Onward…..

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Sorry to hear about your roof! Sounds bad.

I have memories of Atlanta airport too. Would always walk from terminal to terminal instead of taking the train. It was usually right before or right after a flight across the pond. So the walking was much needed.

Have not been to Boston yet. Mainly traveled the American West .

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Did you use the rolling tracks ? where you step on, it moves you ahead to a break, walk more, then another rolling track eventually concourses? Words difficult to remember today. Loooong way from entry to actual departure gate.

Need ☕️!

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I've enjoyed your weekend too!

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Merci 😊

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I love the bus and train information! Thank you!

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A friend had asked me - don't tell him I told you ;-)

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