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Great rant; loved it all. Feel the need to add, be grateful you live in Europe! Post Covid health care in the USA 🇺🇸 is profit driven, enormously expensive, and insurers are beginning to decline coverage! Having my last procedures done EVER. Because I cannot research anything without vision and that particular doctor seems interested and very competent. Will spend the time left to me at home researching homeopathic medicine, herbs and such, that I can understand and choose. Otherwise, have been told “nothing else can be done” for most issues having to do with aging. Worked in the field of your complaint, perimenopausal problems, etc. It is true that hormones or lack of same can result in weight gain. Don’t quote me because as a working girl, my team always told women that was an “old wives tale.” Well, guess what! It happened to me and I swear by experience. I gained weight and no amount of exercise will get that tummy like it was in earlier years. That’s getting older. No cure for that. You could be a candidate for hormone replacement therapy but did I read “endometriosis “? Perhaps not if so. Developing appropriate products can in no way be done using saline. But the endometrial lining is more than just blood so a group of study participants would have to be menstruating women. As for inappropriate touching, etc. I HATE MEN LIKE TRUMP GRABBING PUSSIES. Can you believe he made such a stupid remark and charged, indicted, still running for president? RIDICULOUS! But that’s a rant for another day. Once I located as did other Substackers the Constitutional Amendment that should prevent him from running for office, and found groups on it, like CREW, I’m leaving that topic to Constitutional scholars with expertise I simply don’t have. Going on to your next thoughtful diatribe; love them all!

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