This map is good, if you haven't found it (Federal Statistic office, I think)


If you ever have time to write about how Swiss identity works, I'd be fascinated. A linguistically, geographically, religiously, historically and socially disparate population isn't an obvious basis for a national identity, yet it clearly works exceptionally well!

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I imagine running Switzerland is a bit like herding cats. We're very independent-minded and don't like people telling us what to do. That's a good map, yes. Thanks.

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This is great, Evyelne, thanks. I have been visiting Switzerland for 20 years but learnt more here about the languages and how they are used than in that time, despite some effort.

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Thank you!

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Speak or write your language any way you wish; no shame except on those who would shame you for it. Hope you don’t have a notification system on; my friends on line in America get annoyed when a “ping” or whatever sound wakes them up when sleeping. To be honest, I get annoyed that they all expect me to remember their schedules and time zones. As in when they have meals, are out doing a half day of work, etc. I write when I am able and those times are leaving me quickly it would seem. Ah, that’s life! Think it might be fun to have so many languages. We have many

aberrations of American English too. Ones that come to mind are the elegant Southern drawl (my favorite since I’m a Southern girl and did it so well when my voice was working (it’s sick too, why?). Another is typical of Boston and barely audible to my ear. But those are just intonations not languages, correct term? I’ll be in touch soon!

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Terminology and linguists - we don't usually agree on those ;-). Language also has a lot to do with perception.

The US is less fascinating than the UK when it comes to dialects and variations, but I still loved things like paying attention to how people responded to a "thank you" across the country. My professor at uni wrote a book on American English and I might have gotten a mention in the acknowledgments.

Oh and no worries regarding "pings" - it was in the afternoon and my phone is always on silent.

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