I won’t spoil the book for you, but there are certain things that just hit home all over again. It’s the kind of things that you will also find in the introduction and some of the chapters of my own book.
Let’s start at the beginning. I bought The Midnight Library (written by Matt Haig) a week ago. I had been putting off reading it since 2020. Those of you who know my story will realize why. Now was the right time to read it. And yes, I read the entire book today.
In my book I will talk about how you can read all you want about trauma, depression, eating disorders, happiness etc. but that that can only point you in the right direction. You need to actually LIVE it. You need to experience it yourself to learn. That’s also one of the main messages of my book.
There are so many things I could quote from The Midnight Library. There’s just so much in there. Remember when I wrote about Hope? That will be one of the chapters in my book. Hope is crucial. It’s important to see that there are lighthouses and people with flashlights around to guide you. They are difficult to see when you’re engulfed in darkness and convinced there is no way out - but hope is always there.
Another important topic that I will address in my book is changing perspective. I’m not giving anything away when I tell you that Matt’s book does this brilliantly. It’s on the back cover.
I once wrote about how each life lived is unique - very much so. Every single decision we make – however small it might be – could chance the course of our own life or of somebody else’s life in ways we can’t even imagine. And we can have regrets for every single decision we make. We can’t turn back the time and undo decision we regret. I wrote about this too.
Regrets probably need an entire newsletter at some point. It’s a bit of a *careful what you wish for* situation. Do you guys remember that movie “sliding doors”. It just popped into my head. Since we can’t go back and change a situation, we need to make sure we make the necessary changes going forward. There’s always a way.
Unlike Matt’s book, we don’t have an infinite number of choices of lives to live. We only have one. We just need to remember that even the smallest decision can change the course of our lives for the better (yes, the opposite too of course – what’s your point?) and that each and everyone of us has so much potential that just waiting to be released.
Let’s hold flashlights for each other.
Sleep well!
Jotting down The Midnight Library for my reading list. Hope is a beloved concept. Happy Saturday!