To give rights and voice to other people, different from us, doesn't mean that we have less rights. It is really simple if you are open minded. It would be so boring if we were all the same.
Thank you! If more people could look at the world the way you do, how rich we would all be. Enjoying multi-cultural, multi-identity communities can be so freeing. Imagine!
Also love photo sunrise in Zurich. I’ve been there! Loooong time ago for about a minute. Yes, life would be so very “safe” or free from fear thinking of Alexander’s post on the Four Freedoms in “The Planet 🌍 “ just yesterday. From FDR I think and painted in such a perfect Americana, very old very white Vermont by Norman Rockwell. We have to attend to the other big things in the news this week to find peace; DEI. We in the USA 🇺🇸 are struggling but a path forward for a Biden win in 2024 is just appearing in my estimation and I hope it comes to fruition because the entire world may collapse if the fascist/ Nazi alternative should prevail. Sometimes I yearn for those carefree days of ignorance before we learned CRT when I was young and racism was rampant but not in my house. But we have evolved painfully and it seems with much anger having suppressed so very much over the years. Here’s looking for a peaceful outlook this year and all the years that follow. It’s a dream. The reality remains to be seen by those who live through it and written by the historians who survive whatever comes in our troubled world. Have a wonderful Friday and weekend. 😘
I like to think of myself as a global citizen. People start conversations with me and I love it. A man on the bus asked if he could read me poetry and the pieces were quite funny. We laughed. Some of the people around us also laughed.
Beautiful photo as usual ❤️
To give rights and voice to other people, different from us, doesn't mean that we have less rights. It is really simple if you are open minded. It would be so boring if we were all the same.
Grazie Fabrizio. And YES!
Thank you! If more people could look at the world the way you do, how rich we would all be. Enjoying multi-cultural, multi-identity communities can be so freeing. Imagine!
Thank you Jan. And yes - imagine!
Also love photo sunrise in Zurich. I’ve been there! Loooong time ago for about a minute. Yes, life would be so very “safe” or free from fear thinking of Alexander’s post on the Four Freedoms in “The Planet 🌍 “ just yesterday. From FDR I think and painted in such a perfect Americana, very old very white Vermont by Norman Rockwell. We have to attend to the other big things in the news this week to find peace; DEI. We in the USA 🇺🇸 are struggling but a path forward for a Biden win in 2024 is just appearing in my estimation and I hope it comes to fruition because the entire world may collapse if the fascist/ Nazi alternative should prevail. Sometimes I yearn for those carefree days of ignorance before we learned CRT when I was young and racism was rampant but not in my house. But we have evolved painfully and it seems with much anger having suppressed so very much over the years. Here’s looking for a peaceful outlook this year and all the years that follow. It’s a dream. The reality remains to be seen by those who live through it and written by the historians who survive whatever comes in our troubled world. Have a wonderful Friday and weekend. 😘
Must have been something in the air in Europe on Wednesday - I wrote most of this newsletter that same day.
When I read your comment I stood next to a sculpture called "welcoming hands". Also a dream in today's world. Have a wonderful day.
Pretty Zurich sunrise 🧡
I like to think of myself as a global citizen. People start conversations with me and I love it. A man on the bus asked if he could read me poetry and the pieces were quite funny. We laughed. Some of the people around us also laughed.
You're so right about being kind.
Have a wonderful day ☀️
Thank you Rena. That sound like a lovely poetry moment.