Sunday Morning Thoughts – September 15, 2024
From heatwave to snow in a day ...
Yes, we did have the first snow and not just way up in the mountains. It was anywhere above 1000 meters. Suddenly you need a proper jacket when going outside in the morning. It felt like one day it was super hot and the next day you needed a jacket and a scarf. What’s up with that?
I mean I’m ready for fall weather. I love it! But a nice transition into it would have been lovely. Also, fall is when the Swiss go hiking. And by that I mean snow-less hiking. Just give us a couple more months, please.
I am finally holding a copy of my very own book in my hands. Amazon made it impossible to order it from Switzerland. I didn’t try all of the amazon subsites, but the most obvious (German) one doesn’t ship to Switzerland. And I couldn’t even get author’s copies sent to me. Anyway, some small layout issues that a more seasoned author might have noticed, and a publisher certainly would have. But I did it all myself and I couldn’t be prouder.
Time to work on another part of my dream – moving to Norway to live in a lighthouse on a small island and marry a Norwegian. Haven’t been to Norway in 4.5 years. Maybe it’s time to go back. There’s bound to be more Norwegians there than here. I’m thinking northern Norway where there aren’t that many people.
Stay tuned for that.
I have some sobering thoughts. Like that sometimes you have to just walk away because you’re stuck in a situation you can’t change. Yes, sometimes boundaries work but if those can’t include physical separation they are not be enough.
People who think therapy is just talking about things, well … sometimes that’s a good start but actually letting your body feel those underlying emotions is where it’s at. And that takes a lot of energy and can be painful. Knowing what the issue might be vs. actually going through the emotions – two entirely different things. I can consciously know why I procrastinate – fear of failure, perfectionism, fear of rejection and all that. I mean we all know what’s behind it. Please don’t confuse this with ADHD paralysis. That’s an entirely different animal.
So I can sit here and know the reasons for my procrastination. Can I force myself to do it anyway? Sure. Will there be lasting change? Nope. Dig a little deeper and feel those difficult emotions. Cry if you need to. Make those feelings matter. Give them space. Easier said than done? You bet!
Working through something myself at the moment. It feels big. Like mountain type big. Like I’m still at the bottom of that mountain type big. New synapses need to be formed. New neurological pathways. So guess how my brain decided to express this in art class.
Can you see the synapses? Can you see the neurological pathways? Our brains are freaking amazing. I used oil pastels to paint this. You’d probably call them crayons. It’s amazing how versatile they are. I tried different things and styles but this was my favorite.
Now the sun is out for a bit and I can hear church bells. I might need to go for a short walk to get some fresh air. Been stuck inside for most of the week because … torrential rain.
Is anybody else having a lot of fun with those dogs and cats leaving Springfield? Love the creativity. Making fun of such a ludicrous statement is one way of dealing with it. And how cool that we have social media to spread the fun.
No, I didn’t watch the debate. It was on in the middle of the night. All I saw were segments people like Stephen Colbert discussed and then there was Taylor Swift’s endorsement which I read and reposted. That one must have stung Republicans. I have no idea how this race is even a race – let alone a close one. A sentiment echoed by my American friends. Sitting here physically shaking my head.
I would actually watch the debate if only facts were allowed and no outrageously false claims. How long would it be? And would the … former president (pronounce that like a 4-letter word) get more than one minute of airtime? I think American politics are broken. PERIOD. I really can’t bear to watch more than the snippets I can’t get around. Swiss politics are far from perfect, but they are not a complete shitshow.
So many more thoughts on dreams, speaking your mind, new goals but they are all a jumbled up mess. I will write more when my head is a bit clearer.
For now – read my book and let me know what you think. Have a lovely Sunday. I leave you with a picture of Zurich from last Monday.
Congratulations on publishing your book. The title & cover are very cool, I like the overall look! Can you get an audible version?
We head to Italy on Wednesday to celebrate our 53rd wedding anniversary. Dolomites, family in Ossegino, Verona & Venice.
Love your synapse/pathway art! Loving your book! Pretty Zurich picture. Chilly mornings here too. People will not yet give up the shorts. Happy Sunday 🌻