… not a great start when trying to write a newsletter. Well, it’s been a week. Some of you already know this. The Cycling World Championships are going on in Zurich. It’s like a nine-day event. Half the city is closed off. I was not too interested, just happy that I could get to work okay. There was even an extra tram line passing my office. All good.
On Thursday I decided to go check out one of the para races at lunch time. I didn’t have to go far as the racecourse passes right behind our office building. I walked like 200 yards – if that. There were hardly any spectators.
It was a para race. It was Thursday. It was lunchtime. It was pouring down. We stayed for like 20 minutes or so and I remember a colleague mentioning the dangerous weather conditions with leaves on the road and heavy rain. We were all worried about racers’ safety - especially in the downhill section in the forest.
Here’s a picture I took. There were a lot more spectators on Saturday afternoon during the women’s elite race. It’s an excellent spot as it gets really steep – so you see the riders for longer.
Little did I know that an 18-year-old Swiss racer had had an accident on the course and was fighting for her life right across the street at the University Hospital. We only found out that evening. What a shock! Everything about the way they communicated the news told me there was only a tiny chance she’d make it. And – she didn’t.
RIP Muriel Furrer.
So many emotions floating around. Such a sad time. There was a memorial ride held at 7 AM this morning. From what I heard everybody was invited to ride on the city circuit route in memory of Muriel. I thought that was a nice idea.
How do I get from this to something fun? Don’t think I can. How about a rant? That might be possible. There are about 10 different newsletters waiting to be written. One of them is a rant about how I was forced to dim my light for so long and how that pisses me off. I’m sure I talked about this before. I’m sure it’s in my book too.
How is it my problem if other people can’t do what I can? How is it my problem if my talent(s) makes others feel inferior? I have an adapted version of a quote from The Boy, the mole, the fox and the Horse on my bedroom wall. The original reads “I can fly, but I stopped because it made other horses jealous”. Mine says – I can fly, but I stopped because it made others jealous.
I’m done with that for good now. It’s my time to shine! And I totally will. And people will just have to work through their insecurities and jealousy in their own time. That’s not on me. It really isn’t.
Just imagine society telling kids not to be themselves and show their talent because others will feel inferior if they do. It’s just so toxic. It tells a kid that who they are is not okay. And THAT is not okay. And no, you can’t spin that to make it okay.
Imagine going through life with your emergency brake on at all times. That’s what it feels like when you’re having to hold back. Guess what. I’m done with that too. I’m ready to shift up a few gears. I’m not anywhere near my true potential yet. Getting closer, but it still feels like I’m running at about 30 percent – with occasional peaks. And you know what pisses me off even more? That I only just realized this now. And by “this” I mean how much I’ve been holding back. It’s insane and so harmful to myself.
That anger, resentment and all that’s connected is going to take some time to work through my body. Step one, I know it’s happening. Step two, chocolate. That’s non-negotiable. Step three, watch out!
This was Zurich early on Wednesday. My first day back at work.
There is an upcoming election - cantonal parliament. I’m pretty fed up with seeing friends struggling due to severe weather or specific severe weather events such as hurricanes. So, I’m just gonna be voting green – that’s it. Oh and only women. Why? Because we haven’t tried that yet. Torrential rain in many parts of Switzerland this week. But that’s nothing compared to what has been happening around the world.
Did I watch The Day after Tomorrow for five minutes and think “we freaking knew enough about this for it to make a Hollywood movie 20 years ago”? You bet. Did it piss me off even more? Of course it did.
The sun is making a rare appearance. Not sure I’m up for a long walk yet, but I’ll need to get outside today. It does look like there’s more rain on the horizon. Maybe I should go see a movie or something.
Great! Now I want popcorn.
There might be a few more newsletters coming up. I just need to get organized a bit first. You know when you travel a lot and then you’re off sick for more than a week barely able to move – nobody cleans your apartment during that time. Nor does the recycling magically get done either. And nobody pays your bills. I mean, come on! Tax bill – most fun I had in a while. I’m all for taxing the rich. Just didn’t know I was one of them.
But have I told you about the Troll Museum they have in Tromsø? How fun is that? Can’t believe I’m going back there after almost five years. It’s going to be epic. Maybe I’ll bring some crayons and paper. I might feel creative. I mean I’m already planning on doing quite a bit of writing at the public library. I’m not planning on going to the northernmost Burger Kind in the world though unless the dinner buffet at my hotel only has food I don’t like. Very unlikely - as I can easily survive on just desserts.
So much looking forward to northern Norway. Would love to start packing right now. It’ll be magical – I just know it will. Love the science museum and look forward to walking across the bridge to the Arctic Cathedral. I hope the cable cars are running this time as the view from up on the hill is just stunning.
Okay, feeling better. I’ll be dreaming of Norway and Norwegians and romance under the northern lights. Of course I should add a picture of Norway now but that would require an actual effort on my part. So I’ll leave you with this picture of a sunrise over Lake Biel. I know I used it before but it just seems fitting for a day like today.
Have a lovely Sunday everyone.
"I can fly, but I stopped because it made others jealous."
"I can fly... but I stopped because I wanted others to think I was humble."
Years ago I discovered something very similar to your discovery, Elle. I discovered that "Humility" means: "To be of unpretending character." So learned that I didn't need to pretend to be something I'm not.
But then, after living with that newfound freedom for a while, the coin in my mind flipped over. And on the other side was inscribed: "But Genuine Humility means... I also don't have to pretend... NOT to be something I AM."
I can say, with genuine humility that I'm a good playwright and I'm a good songwriter. I don;t have to pretend not to be something I am. Unpretending character. Simple. (But not always easy.)
Rock on.
SHINE Evelyne!!!
Hi my Dear Evelyne, for starting off your Newsletter with No Words, you certainly shared with all of us so much and most interesting!! That was too bad the Special Olympic group was not well attended as that would likely be my choice!! I do agree that I am Happy that you are planning your trip to Norway!! It sounds wonderful and I do hope that you get to see the Museums and get some great desserts!! Yummy! 🍫🍪 wishing you a most Wonderful Sunday right back to you!! All my Best and give yourself some down time after travel to clean up your apartment! You deserve it!!
Always, Neal : ))) 🎤🎶📖👍🌻🌈☮️