I don’t remember there ever being this many thunderstorms. I mean it’s like one after another. I’m a big fan of thunderstorms but my body is starting to react to their intensity. It’s getting a bit scary.
Plus, I can’t really go on long walks/hikes in this weather. Too dangerous. There’s actually an active weather warning out for where I live. Avoid open spaces, forests and walking close to water it says. Well, I guess I’m staying home. Not too many other options really.
I might be a bit behind on what’s been happening in the world. Something about the 10 Commandments in schools. I mean – what?! Always makes me wonder if the people who support this shit can name the 10 Commandments and how many actually follow them. I mean wasn’t there something about the Sabbath and keeping it holy? And that’s just one example.
I would love to have people try and write down all 10 Commandments without googling them. And while we’re at it. I would give them a copy of the US Constitution and a highlighter pen. That’s for them to mark where it says the US is a Christian nation. They could also just highlight the words God or Jesus. Could be a fun game. We should also do that with anybody who holds a political office or would like to be elected. Next question: why wasn’t the US founded as a Christian nation? This is just so basic …
I mean, God is – unfortunately – in the Swiss Constitution and all over our national anthem. We tend to just ignore it. Or at least I do. I will never sing our anthem – at least not until somebody changes the words to it. That’s an entirely different discussion though.
I look forward to Switzerland advancing further in Euro 2024 so more people will be surprised by how racially diverse our national soccer team is. Although that dude who said it was easier to run a country successfully if said country was all white - like Switzerland, is unlikely to be watching. And breathe – don’t wanna go into another rant regarding that. So let’s focus on the game instead. It sounds like they are playing really well. The Swiss French commentator said that they played like a Swiss Army knife. How cool is that?! I have no idea what he meant by it, but I love it. Haven’t watched a game yet but like to listen on headphones while I do other things.
I was told that my newsletter inspired somebody to be more creative. That made my day or maybe even my week. So nice to hear.
I’ve been focusing a bit more on writing than on painting, but I have created an Instagram account with only my paintings. Of course, some weird-ass dude has offered to buy one already. Not selling them. At least not yet. I still have space in my apartment – well, sort of. I’ll be posting all the paintings I have so far and then probably paint like once or twice a week. Or whenever I feel like it. Just writing about this I can feel a tingle in my fingers. We’ll see what the day brings. Here’s a QR Code for you to scan or the link if that’s easier.
Got a bit distracted from working on my book. The distraction was narcissism and gaslighting. The latter has since been promoted to be a section in my book with four chapters dedicated to it. While it is not a welcome distraction, it has helped shape those four chapters. Yes, my book is still a little fluid. It’s coming along nicely, and I still hope I’ll be able to publish on August 22. It all depends.
I was also going to travel at the beginning of August. Looks like I’m going to have to make that one a spontaneous trip most likely by train. So many factors to consider and also the weather. If all the flooding and crazy weather patterns keep happening, I’ll feel safest at home. And aren’t the Olympics around that time too? Border checks being re-introduced and such.
Did you hear about Parisians planning on pooping into the Seine to make a point. The government is still pretending that the Seine is clean enough for competitors to swim in safely … I’m no expert but it didn’t look very clean in January, February or March. And our rivers that are very clean don’t look like you can swim in them at the moment. A lot of dirt etc. being swept down them because of heavy rainfall. That’s not gonna help the Seine either, is it? Anyway, glad I’m not swimming in those Olympics.
Just realized that I met up with a lot of friends last week. Started with a surprise meet-up with someone I knew only from social media. That was a lot of fun. And then Monday night it was food and drinks with friends in Zurich. Such a great time too. We were even able to sit outside and catch a few rays of sunshine. On Wednesday I was asked to help a friend bake brownies. That was more fun than anticipated. Don’t ask …
One more thing. I saw people asking girl dads the bear vs. man in the woods question. No points for guessing what most of them replied. But no, there is no problem. Of course there isn’t.
While writing this newsletter I’ve already received two messages saying “the sun is out”. Yes, I can see that. I probably won’t walk the same loop I did last Sunday, as there might be yet more snakes out today. Not scared of them but those two big ones were quite enough to be honest. I’ve already done a load of laundry so a walk might be nice.
Have a lovely Sunday everyone.
Louisiana & Oklahoma are an embarrassment to our country & constitution. This right wing Christian Nationalism is a precursor to Theocracy & Authoritarianism. Ranking 42 and 49 in education says it all. And refusing free lunches for hungry kids is so "Christian."
The heat is on in the desert. With 108-110 today, there was a que at my birdbaths when ice water was delivered.
Your pic of Zurich is lovely. A Summer vibe that is universal.
You mentioned Swiss Army knives. I got a new one yesterday (in Italy) as my previous one vanished (I have suspicions about how/when...). It was in a shop dedicated entirely to knives and scissors. A while ago you hinted you might write something about them as seen from Switzerland. Yes please if this is still an option.