Sunday Morning Thoughts – January 21, 2021
Here we go again. Feeling rant-y.
American friends, please don’t pronounce rant-y without the hyphen – you could get the wrong idea. Now that we’ve got that out of the way, I’m listening to the church bells going as one of the church services is about to start.
And where should I start?
I guess I could mention a post on my other newsletter that I published early Saturday with a silly typo in the title. I fixed it in the text, but the link stays the same. Oh well. On the subject of my other newsletter. I have written something for tomorrow as it’s kind of an anniversary. So, if you’re interested go and check it out. If I did it right, it’ll be posted at 9 AM Swiss time. First time I’m trying the “schedule a post” feature. Hope it works.
Then yesterday this happened. I don’t want to give it too much space but this random dude on the train called me fat and ugly. My reply of “oh thanks you so much for noticing” with the brightest smile on my face confused him. Worth it! I might have to re-read Thomas Erikson’s Omgiven av idioter (surrounded by idiots). Not sure why this popped into my head just now …
This brings us to my Instagram feed being full of *lose ten pounds in a day* ads that invite you to watch a video to find out how. You can just let those run in the background and count how many times they say “I will tell you how in just a second”. They can last up to 30 minutes and then you’re told that you can join their FREE program for only $29 a month. I only did that with two of them – I mean who has the time? But I’m just really fascinated by the mind games they are playing.
Also fun, you fill in random information and give them a throw-away e-mail address. They go completely mental on you because they can’t believe that you’re willing to miss out on giving them money. Of course, now the algorithm thinks I’m hooked. I get them in four languages now. Maybe they think I didn’t understand them. Gotta love a good algorithm [back to add that this is all a bit of research - seriously considering getting upgrading my BSc in Psychology to an MSc].
Did you know I’d be the perfect copywriter too? All over my feed as well. That one I might actually consider. But, I stop listening when they are asking for money to let me know how to get started. Stay tuned – if they could figure it out, I’m sure I can too.
Back to those weight loss ads. According to them we all need to lose weight and go to the gym. But when we do, we get made fun of. I’ll admit to making fun of the fact that crowded gyms in January are predictable. I try to make fun of that fact and not the people going to the gym.
Now, have you seen those videos of self-proclaimed workout experts fat shaming fellow gym goers? They actually film other people at the gym and then publish it on whatever platform is cool that day to fat shame them.
So, let me get this straight. What you’re saying is that fat people should go to the gym to lose weight but when they do they get made fun of and shamed all over the internet? Did I get that right? How freaking sick is this? I report all such videos I see and ask not to be shown similar content again. Doesn’t mean it’s not still out there though.
Oh, I just noticed the word count hitting 888 words. Have I mentioned that I’m a numbers person? Also, this one might get a touch longer than usual. Best grab another cup of coffee.
I'm working on something on truth, opinion, experience, facts and lies. All those lies out there being given airtime and column space - it's just so infuriating! What I don’t understand is when news outlets stopped reporting facts. I mean there have always been different opinions on events, but it used to be that the event in question was considered fact. The interpretation of what happened and who is to blame etc, that was up for grabs. Now, “the other side” needs to be heard and their lies are given the same weight as undisputed facts. Just how?
And we’ve gone way beyond people thinking “My opinion is worth as much as your fact” (Ricky Gervais) because now it’s “my lie is just as true as your fact”. As I said, still working on that one. I just got triggered again this week.
Are any of my readers doing Veganuary or dry January?
I feel bad for January. A lot of frustration associated with this month. I mean joining the gym and possibly quitting it again. Liking meat and dairy and craving it for a month – if you can even make it through. Dry January, I can’t comment on that one as I only drink alcohol a couple of times a year and it’s usually apple cider.
I guess after excessive eating and drinking in December all of these kind of make sense. Still, please spare a thought for poor old January. How about doing one vegan (and dry) day a week. Spread it out over the year to give January a bit of a break. Think about it.
Since we’re not on the subject of religion and religious depictions - I went to the immersive The Last Supper experience in Basel yesterday. It was opening day and I loved it. This one was more educational than others I’ve been to. It was on Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper, but there was so much more in it. They analyzed the picture of course, told us who everybody was – best guesses. And then there was the history of the painting. Although painting is probably the wrong word. I guess fresco might be the right one. Then again, a fresco is painted on a wall while the plaster is still wet and da Vinci famously painted it on a dry wall. This meant that it started crumbling soon after (okay, they said 20 years after) it was finished. Anyway …
They also talked about his other paintings (surprisingly few) and how he was the first artist to paint portraits of women out in nature. Then there were his inventions, and my favorite part was when they did Last Supper math – golden ratio and such. All the sections (e.g. apostles grouped in threes) where highlighted as were the vanishing lines. Just wow. I mean I wasn’t surprised at the math da Vinci put in this one painting, but to see it highlighted like that. Blew my mind. Then there were other versions of the last supper with Hollywood legends and the Lego one was really cute.
All in all, a great experience! I can totally recommend it. I think they might take it back to Germany next. Possibly Stuttgart. Just look it up if you’re interested. They’ll be in Basel for a while longer. And now I feel a little bad about speaking Swiss German to the members of staff. Just a tiny bit because I had forgotten that it was a German production, that it was their first day in Switzerland and that they were probably struggling to understand what I was saying. Oh well, they could have said something. There are so many Germans living and working in Switzerland and most understand Swiss German. They basically have to.
I mean, you don’t want to be the reasons a business meeting full of Swiss German speakers has to switch to High Germans just because of you. I might have written an entire rant on that at some point. Do I feel strongly about it? You bet! And now I feel even less bad about speaking Swiss German to them yesterday.
Did I completely forget about the Festival of Lights in Lucerne? Also yes. Today is the last day. So, later today I’ll be on a train to Lucerne. I love how accessible everything is here. Immersive art exhibition in Basel yesterday and Festival of Lights in Lucerne today. I’m not going to bother with ticketed events this year. Last years laser show supported concert in a church was a bit underwhelming, ran late and I almost missed my train. I like being to hop on a train and leave whenever I’m done. Or cold. It’s going to be freezing tonight. Winter jacket time. Not as cold as in other parts of the world, but I don’t remember the last time it was this cold here for this long.
I think that’s all for today. Have a lovely Sunday everyone.
Good Sunday morning, Evelyne! Interesting thoughts roaming around in there. We are bundled up under heavy clothes, fleece blankets, and two cats in body crevices to stay warm. Polar vortex has us at 13 degrees F. Will warm up a smidgeon, not much until midnight. Then should pass, no precipitation. So far the power grid is holding which is amazing in this area. 😽😽 will not let me move. That’s fine. Maybe a nap 😴 until just s few degrees warmer. Take care, my friend. Enjoy your day.