Sunday Morning Thoughts – February 11, 2024
Things feel out of balance …
You know when a family system gets shook up, thrown up in the air and is starting to fall into place again? That’s kind of what it feels like right now. I’m reminded that even if there is limited contact between family members the death of one affects everybody in the system. There are invisible ties and connections that can’t be cut.
I’m also reminded of why I cut the visible ties with most of my family. Having family members argue about who was told what when by whom is just beyond comprehension. Pass the popcorn for what’s to come when we talk inheritance. I’m sorry I don’t think I have enough Zen for all this at the moment.
I like the lyrics to Here Today and requested it last night on zoom. This is what it could be like. Remembering a person fondly. Remembering moments with that person. Looking at pictures and memories. Luckily, I had those moments with a couple of family members. Yet it still pains me to see that others can’t seem to do this.
And breathe …
Other things have been going on as well of course. I found a new train to get to work. The regular ones tend to get a bit crowded and when they changed the schedules in December, they also changed the kinds of trains we get. Way less space in first class and no tables to write on. Yes, it’s possible to balance your laptop on your knees of course. Unless you have really short legs, and it would slide right off. So, I have to put my handbag and my winter coat on my lap before putting the laptop on top. A very stable situation – totally ideal for writing.
Anyway, hear me out. I can take the 6.27 bus in the morning. It gets me to the station at 6.40. There is a train at 6.40 and sometimes I make that. The bus only needs to arrive a minute early and I’m there. This happens more often than you’d think since there are buses every 7/8 minutes. That’s still the preferred option. But if that doesn’t work out, I could wait for the 6.54 – one of the less space and balancing my laptop kinds, OR I could take the snazzy 6.45. It’s nearly empty and has actual tables. Big beautiful tables. It’s the kind of train they run on the Gotthard line as well. I love those trains! Downside? There is none. It takes 52 minutes to get to Zurich instead of 24 or 28 minutes. That’s not a downside though if you get that writing itch early in the morning. It’s actually pretty perfect.
Me happy.
And yes, I realize I could take the 6.20 bus and make sure I’m able to catch the 6.40 train. Don’t burst my happy bubble!
On Friday I was meant to go hiking with a friend, but the weather was a right diva. Very changeable with a high chance of rain. A bit of rain is fine when walking where it’s flat, but we were headed into the hills. Not a good idea in the rain. We’ll try again next week.
So, I had some unexpected free time. I wrote for a bit and then suddenly had the most brilliant idea.
I’d been wanting to check out this Mexican restaurant in Zurich. Since I was headed to Zurich late afternoon anyway it seemed like the perfect thing to do.
I was not disappointed. Very authentic food and atmosphere. I’ve not been to Mexico, but I lived in California and they do it pretty well there I’m told. Now the fact that Spanish was spoken by all staff members and many patrons was also a good indicator.
I was a little confused when I went to the restroom. I was like “that looks like this orange thing from the US”. I double checked with a friend that I was not seeing things and when they confirmed I was glad I had – how do I put this delicately … eaten a lot of beans?
Let’s talk food. I had a plate with all the best Mexican things you can put into a taco. It came with three tacos, and you made your own. I followed that with some churros. They came with a caramel whiskey sauce. It was heavenly. I’m totally going back there.
Later that night I took a tram that I don’t think I’ve ever taken before. It was the number 13. Not an obvious choice for places in Zurich I’d been to before but a nice ride either way.
Then came Saturday. What a weird day that was. I woke up with a bad headache. Those of you thinking I was hung over, think again. I don't drink and there was just a touch of whiskey in my dessert. The weather was weird as well. I’d wanted to go find the sun but the entire country was covered in rain clouds. I was grumbling about that for a bit.
Then I didn’t have yogurt. I mean I had other foods and I have a bakery downstairs, but I really wanted just plain yogurt with berries for breakfast. I was pretty much just grumbling along all day and only ate a proper meal at 9.30 PM. There were berries and plain yogurt to go with it ...
Just one of those days.
I wasn’t even able to answer the question of how I was doing. Or I think I preferred not to answer that question.
There were some lighter moments like a lovely conversation I had with a friend. So, it wasn’t all bad. I also went into town and bought a pair of jeans. Now to most of you that might not sound like a big deal. To me it was. Finding pants that actually fit has always been a struggle and women’s sizes are not helping matters at all. You basically have to carry four different sizes into the dressing room, and I guarantee you that the smallest size will fit perfectly for one pair and you will hardly be able to squeeze into another pair that’s supposedly four sizes bigger. I wish I was kidding. It’s just so frustrating.
I found a pair that I really liked. They are a bit too long but hey! I love a good sewing project. I can totally shorten those myself. I went online to check if they had them in a shorter length, but they didn’t and even if they did, it would have been risky. Sometimes the regular length and the short length versions of the SAME jeans are cut differently. And I don’t mean their length.
Tempted to say SIZE MATTERS - so I will.
Now my mind just wandered to what other cities I could go to for a weekend. I mean I can get pretty far by train from Zurich, Basel or Geneva. Suggestions are very welcome!
I’ve done Strasbourg before and Trier. Maybe it’s Brussels or Antwerp or Luxembourg City next. Who knows. I’ve also never been to Austria. That could be something to do. I can totally be in Austria in two hours. There’s a plan. This will be more of a day trip to start with though. Just to go check things out. Tap my feet in the water so to speak. Stay tuned for that one.
There is so much more on my mind – I need to leave you here, though. I might post something on my other newsletter later. Or possibly part 4 of my Paris adventure. Or I might just bake brownies and read for the rest of the day. Who knows.
Have a lovely Sunday everyone!
Oh and if you want to listen to the song I mentioned at the beginning, it’s Here Today by David Ippolito.
Lovely image of the Rhine 💙 Going to find David's song. Hugs
Well, it’s Monday @ 05:30 EST here; where was everyone yesterday? Oh, duh, the Super Bowl Party effect maybe.
I watch live football with people (or did when younger) but not on TV alone. Where’s the fun in that? Love how your mind wanders minute by minute as you get your Sunday going. Now you’ve got me craving Tacos for breakfast which is not possible and really better later in the day. The bean effect is a universal thing I believe. So very sorry you lost someone even in the family “dysfunction”; I’ve been there too and all the distress from before still doesn’t entirely block the loss effect. I believe you will get through it in your own way. Hope the day turned out well. Can you get to Lausanne easily? No map available at present. I have fabulous memories of that city and was courageous enough being very shy and not speaking the language (any of them except good old American English) to take the public transport to the city and then explore with my camera all day the sites and admire the flowers, sailboats (back at Lake Geneva near Hotel) and especially the University Library Architecture outside. As I’ve said before, just beam me over and I would love time again in Switzerland you lucky girl! 😘