Sunday Morning Thoughts – February 2, 2025
New life? Letting go and such.
Difficult couple of weeks. Still not back to 100%. So, I didn’t make it to the Balloon Festival in Château d’Œx. I guess next year. Or maybe I’ll just go there sans balloons. It’s 3+ hours by train one way and I just didn’t have that in me right now.
I just got back from a one hour walk. Possibly slightly longer – I really didn’t check my watch. Grey day around here. It was a nice walk either way. I watched a heron hunt for a bit. No picture because I didn’t dare move. No beavers this time around. I guess I was walking a bit too late to see any. I was gonna go watch the sun rise but the clouds had other ideas.
Two more months at my current job. I might start counting down the days. And then? Well, we’ll see. I do need a job for like two days a week – kind of freelancing and such to cover some basic costs and start building my brand. So, that’s what I’m looking for right now.
Was it risky to quit my job at my age? Sure. Do I know I can do this? You bet. Can anybody who doesn’t think I got this go do things I won’t mention on here to themselves? Hell yeah!
Didn’t think I could be an artist? Well, guess who will have one of her paintings featured in a local exhibit? I’m buzzing. And apparently, they will also promote me as an author/writer. This is too cool. My people are coming through for me. I love my canton, and I love that I’m from here. Told you I was gonna take that last name of mine for a little spin. Might as well take advantage of it.
No, I don’t know if that played a role in being chosen. I don’t think it did. But starting my own business, I'm going to use being from here to my advantage. I speak their language. I know how things work around here and – I get the job done.
I might also be going on a little Nordic adventure in April. And by “might” I mean that I’m totally going. Stay tuned for that. I mean I’m gonna have to do my 50th birthday month properly. Art exhibit and all 😊.
I can’t tell you how much I’m gonna enjoy telling people I’m 50. Silly? Maybe. But if you looked as young as I do, you might do the same. Seeing people’s reactions is just too much fun not to do it. Oh, I have to look up what 50 is in Norwegian. Must be similar to Swedish “femtio” – usually they just drop the odd letter. I’m going with “femti”. That sounds about right.
Have I told you that the chatbot on my website is going to be a cow? For those of you who already know the company name this will make perfect sense. I have a couple of ideas for names for my cow chatbot. One is a bit too obvious, but I’ll see where it goes. She’s gonna be the no-nonsense type. Also sarcastic – I think that’s a given. She’ll be trilingual – or at least trilingual.
One of the biggest lessons I learned the past few weeks is … letting go. Letting go of an old life that is no longer mine. I mean it’s a continuous process. Some might call it a journey (😉 to North Carolina). It’s been happening on a more regular basis now. So many core beliefs shattered. It feels like I’m starting over at least once a month. Learning how to live in this new reality – over and over again.
It’s exhausting, but so many things that were helping me survive have become maladaptive. But hey, starting over, letting go of the old so new things are given space – that’s part of life. That’s part of growth. That’s part of moving forward. We’re not meant to be standing still or stuck. We’re just not made for that.
You know what triggered me last Monday? All those “never again” posts on social media. Where have those people been? I mean, I didn’t look this up but I’m sure there have been other genocides since the holocaust. Darfur, Rwanda, Syria, Sudan, Somalia come to mind and closest to home Srebrenica. I just have to look at where most of the refugees are from and there you have it. Not sure if all of those are classified as genocides. If they are not, they should be. And I’m definitely missing some in Asia – I’m sure.
And what is everybody calling what is going on in Gaza? I mean, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, you might as well call it genocide. There is a reason this was issued.
Do I have anything to say about the state of the United States? Well, wake up people! This is not going to be over in four years. It just isn’t. Wave your lives goodbye – you’re not getting those back. It’s not going back to the way it was. It just isn’t. How do I know? I’ve been paying attention.
You can’t wait this out. That’s dangerous. We know that. We’ve seen that before. You’re now led by a fascist wannabe dictator. Someone who doesn’t care about laws. Someone who has never read or at least not understood the Constitution. A convicted felon. Someone who has never faced real consequences for any of his actions.
You think he’s gonna stop at two terms? Dream on. The time to act was eight years ago, but here we are. So, the time to act is NOW.
And also, America has fallen so far behind in so many things, you can’t even make fun of it anymore. It’s tragic. I mean we can argue about whether America was ever “great” to begin with, but it certainly isn’t now. Just look around.
Sure, we have to be eternally grateful to the US for being liberated in WWII. Well, technically I don’t but that’s a different story. You know how you do that? You know how you’re showing gratitude to someone who saved your life? By doing the best you can. By living your best life. I’ve been doing that ever since somebody saved my life on January 22, 2020.
Europe might not be perfect, but we’ve come far. We’ve moved ahead. We’ve made smart decisions. We decided we are better together. Technically Switzerland has – again – decided not to play well with others, but it kind of works anyway.
It’s possible.
If you’re still not sure that fascism is what you’re facing in the US then have a look at this. Sums it up quite nicely. Division is not the way out of this. I’m not saying it’s gonna be easy, but division benefits the oppressors. Period. The US is so divided at the moment, they’ve really done a thorough job.
But, now it no longer matters who voted for whom, you’re in the same boat. That’s kind of how democracy works. You don’t have to like the election result – you’re living that reality either way.
I have no idea what they are trying to hide but there is something going on. Yes, those ICE raids and layoffs are horrible and yes, those people need help. But does anybody else feel like the other shoe’s about to drop on something much larger? Something much more devastating?
The world has gone insane.
Have you seen the mass protests against fascism across Germany? Where are the mass protests in the US? It’s just something we are noticing and wondering about … You can change things around but sitting and waiting for the next election is not the way to do it.
I’m glad I can make my own decisions and as a member of the LQBTQ+ community, I will not travel to the US any time soon. And that’s not fear, it’s common sense.
But anyway …
I took this picture on this day a couple of years ago. To me it represents space for dreams to grow or reaching for the sky – the sky’s the limit after all.
Dreams are worth fighting for. Your life is worth fighting for. Let’s go!
Happy Sunday everyone.
Solid business plan. Congrats! Exciting future.
Some Federal Judges standing up, issuing injunction relief, stay orders, restraining orders, etc. Let Trump take the fight to the courts. That's what he wants. But not so fast. Trump is challenging The Constitution and I do believe he will fail on most counts.
The wheels of justice move slow and in the meantime challenge him at every level.
Hope what ever you are doing freelance goes super-well. My experience is working for yourself *much* better. Also, I am 50 next month too. I make it 62.5% of the way through life. Probably less for you because women live for ages. Did you know 50 is 32 in hexadecimal?