Sunday morning thoughts – December 17, 2023
Later then usual, but it's definitely still morning here in NYC
Where to start?
I finished work at 11 am on Wednesday and went home to pack. I decided to go check in the night before just so my Thursday travel day would be nice and relaxed. So, here’s how we roll in Switzerland: I got off the train at Zurich airport at 8.12 pm and was all checked in at 8.18 pm. You basically take one escalator up and you’re at check-in. They want to make it easy for people arriving by train and it really couldn’t be more convenient. I was surprised by how fast it was myself, and my next direct train home was not for another 30 minutes. But no worries, there’s a bookshop. So I picked out my plane book (I bought it on Thursday) and just took in the airport atmosphere for a bit.
Thursday was super stress free. I could go straight through security where I had just one person in line ahead of me. The entire process took less than three minutes. And it was a pretty busy day at Zurich airport. There’s really good at passenger flow - most of the time. I got some snacks and Vanilla steamed milk for my thermos. Side note: it was still warm when I arrived at JFK.
I had a window seat with nobody sitting next to me. I watched four movies and a A-ha documentary. The movies were: Book Club: The Next Chapter; About My Father; My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3; and Are you there God? It’s Me, Margaret. I enjoyed watching all of them. My window seat was great, but I couldn’t really see much other than clouds out the window. When we were above Maine things started clearing up a bit and we arrived in New York just as the sun set. It was beautiful.
Fast forward to Friday. I met a couple of friends outside Macy’s in the morning. It was the Netherlands, Maine and Switzerland loose in Manhattan. What a great time! None of use really cared what we did. It was all about hanging out with friends. We walked the High Line and had lunch at Chelsea Market. After a quick breather at our respective hotels we met back up at “The Hill” in Central Park. Those who know – know. We just sat there for a bit looking at the colors changing over the water as the sun set. My heart was full and my feet hurt.
Saturday was stunning. Blue skies. Just beautiful. We hadn’t made plans the night before. So, when I woke up at 4.45 I had no idea what the day would bring. I dozed for another hour or so and then I was like – hmmm, I might want to go down to the World Trade Center area. I hadn’t been there since 1999. It felt like the thing to do for some reason. And I’ve stopped questioning those gut feelings I get. Then something weird happened. I felt the urge to write something. So, I needed to get that done first. Here’s what I wrote yesterday – I published it on my other newsletter. It’s called “Who am I?”.
I was getting a bit hangry buy the time I arrived at the World Trade Center stop, so when I came up from the Subway I just popped into the first place I saw that had food. It was a great breakfast sandwich and a caramel macchiato. I sat down on a bench by City Hall to eat it and to watch squirrels. I always stop to watch squirrels in NYC. I know locals find that weird but hear me out. In Switzerland squirrels live in the forest. They could be anywhere. It’s difficult to spot even just one. They don’t tend to hang out where people walk. So, yes! I do get excited when I see them here. And the City Hall ones didn’t disappoint. Have you ever seen a squirrel hop through tall grass like a bunny? It was too cute.
I then walked to the 9-11 memorial. A somber moment. I just stood there quietly.
On to coordinating where to meet up with everybody’s favorite Mainiac - who’s not crazy, but completely nuts. My kind of nuts. Our Dutch friend told everybody which Subway stop to take from wherever we were traveling. We met at the north end of Central Park and just started heading south. We talked; we laughed; we had nuts and hotdogs; I flirted with a cute dog mom that we ran into twice, we ended up on “The Hill” again; saw French people (okay, they might have been Swiss – I wasn’t listening close enough to know) feed THOSE geese. Very uncool! We must have sat there for like an hour just taking it in and chatting.
Two of us then walked to the southern end of the park. It was just so we could say that we walked the length of Central Park – I’ll admit to that. Back at the hotel I set an alarm in case I fell asleep. I didn’t and was out the door way to early. But hey! I had a concert to go to. This was the main reason for the trip. I wasn’t going to be late. I made sure there was plenty of time to walk the 32 blocks if I needed to. I took the Subway and it was full of French speakers again. What’s with them?
I got to Merkin Concert Hall early, but I wasn’t the first one there. Maine and Maryland where already in the house and others soon followed. It was so good to see everybody again! So many hugs. So many friends. So much fun! Then we took our seats. I was sitting in the balcony as I tend to get overwhelmed with too much going on around me. I just wanted to be right in the moment. It was perfect. It was emotional. It was everything I expected and more.
Difficult to explain what it feels like to be among friends at a concert in New York City. Also, who here can say that they went to a concert in New York City and got a shout-out? I did! Very cool.
If you missed the concert – this is on you. I told you a couple of weeks ago where to get tickets for Merkin as well as the live stream (which I hear was great).
I don’t think I have the words yet to express how much being here in person means to me. How much David and his music have carried me though difficult times. How much It’s Just Us has made my life a happier place.
I could probably write for another hour, but I’m meeting Maryland and Maine and I need a shower and some food before I do. I think we’ve established that I get grumpy when I don’t eat.
Have a lovely Sunday everyone. Here’s some pictures I took yesterday (the lake one is from Friday afternoon).
New York City is always a good idea. Sounds fabulous! Enjoy.
Yay!! Sounds so great!! Loved the livestream ❤