Super proud – I can’t even tell you. I pinched myself several times. In case you missed it, my book is out. It’s called OY! PAY ATTENTION! and right now people from outside of Switzerland can find it on Amazon. My Swiss friends will have to give me a bit more time to get it published here as well. I had to take a quick break first.
I can’t even tell you how great it feels to see a book with your name on it on sale. And yes, I’m hooked. I might have started writing another book already. I haven’t even had any feedback on my first one. Then again, since I’ve been away, I haven’t checked if anybody has posted a review on Amazon yet.
I’m writing this on a train. It’s a beautiful morning after a very stormy night. I don’t mind storms but when they put out an orange weather warning and you’re not familiar with the area, it kind of hits differently. I’ve decided that this two-day trip will have to be another newsletter or two. I’ve seen so much and there’s stories to tell; I can’t possibly fit it all in here.
I’m just passing the most stunning cathedral. I know I screenshot its location on the way in. Somewhere to go next time. Here’s a picture of the train I’m sitting on. Old, but oh so comfortable. Yes, this is first class, but the first-class interrail pass isn’t much more expensive than the regular one. And quite frankly, at my age, I do like a bit of peace and quiet when traveling. Especially when writing early-ish on a Sunday morning.
Have I said “I think I found my medium” regarding my paintings before? I might have done. And since I only just started painting in April, I might say that many more times. I went to a paint event on a complete whim last Tuesday. Best decision ever. It was semi-guided I would say in that we got some pointers in how to build the painting and we worked on the proportions as a group, then we could just go for it.
I’m kind of good at the “just go for it” part. First, it was acrylic paint and then we were given oil pastels. How cool are those? I remember loving them as a child. And that’s exactly what had been missing in some of my other paintings. It’s so easy to add detail and a bit of structure. I’m not great at detail with brushes but this works better. Still not great at the detail, but better. I left that class completely elated. I posted a note with the result, I think. But here it is again.
I’m amazed at how things have changed in the US presidential race. Okay, we don’t get FOX News here, but the change I’ve seen in how the race is reported on is remarkable. Not that long ago there was a feeling of hopelessness. Now, there is a chance for real change. I mean, certain people are no longer in the spotlight at all or if they are, they are made fun off. Mostly, they are ignored. Worst thing you can do to a narcissist.
It also shows us that when people have the courage to go for it or to do the right thing, magical stuff can happen. A smallish seed becomes a huge tree that rivals the Californian Redwoods - in no time at all. I’m amazed, stunned, hopeful. Do you guys know the song “Wind of Change” by the Scorpions? It’s a good song. Of course, the lyrics talk about the fall of the iron curtain, but I like the general message and the concept of the changing wind. Look it up if you don’t know it.
Something for you to consider if you take regional trains or just NOT your *(international) you have to pay a supplement and reserve a seat* kind of trains. In France all announcements on the train are purely in French. And not the kind of French you can understand easily, nor do they speak slowly. I love it because it’s oh so French. It starts at the French train station in Basel. Which is in Basel and we speak (Swiss) German there. The entire line up to Strasbourg is right across the border from Germany, but nope – all in French. And, I totally get it. Something to be ready for, but in my experience people will help you if you ask nicely or look confused.
Are you ready for a bit of French? Now, I’m not looking stuff up as to not interrupt my flow, but here’s what I found a bit confusing when I realized it this morning. It’s the French word “librairie”; it’s a semi false friend. It can have two meanings “book shop” and “library”; but there is also “bibliothèque” for library which is the same as in German. When I see a sign that says “librairie” I have to focus really hard for my brain to think “ah, a book shop” – it goes straight to library otherwise. So, be careful when you ask where the “librairie” is, you might be sent to a book shop 😉.
I read somewhere that when you’re bilingual your brain always has to suppress the other language or in my case the other languages. I’m not very good at switching to French. I mean I ordered vanilla ice cream and pronounced the “ll”s - you don’t do that in French. She was very nice and repeated it with the correct pronunciation. Thank you kind Madame. Then at the museum of natural history, I asked for a ticket in French and she replied in English. She was just telling me it was 7 Euros. Then she asked where I was from and I told her in French that I was Swiss and she apologized and explained that she’d detected an accent. I was like “oui, tout à fait, je suis suisse alémanique”. And we laughed. That means “Yes, definitely – I’m from the German-speaking part of Switzerland”.
Last night I realized that I miss watching French TV. One of my favorite TV shows was on and their news is just next level cool. Very diverse in terms of topics and not just all doom and gloom. And the news broadcasts are longer than I’m used to as well. They talked about Alain Delon’s funeral and that he had made arrangements to make it a private family event. Then his sons came outside and talked to the fans that had gathered. A beautiful moment. After that there was a story of two sisters in their 90s who were teenagers when Paris was liberated, and they talked about it so vividly. It was fascinating to watch and also made me question why we haven’t learned those lessons.
Then, and I don’t know if this was intended to be as funny as I thought it was, they talked about Fort Boyard. There was a segment on how it’s falling apart and how it might no longer be safe to visit and that it could pretty much crumble into the ocean. They were very concerned. Next up a new episode of Fort Boyard where a team of contestants and an entire film crew and I’m sure a lot of support staff (given the nature of the challenges) are in/on that fortress. Just my kind of humor. It’s one of my favorite shows. Not sure why exactly. It’s kind of like those jungle camp things where you have to eat disgusting stuff, face your fears and overcome them.
As I told you I’m on a little adventure again. I was debating on what to do with the two travel days I had left on my interrail pass. I had added an extra “just in case” day and then ended up traveling home in one day instead of two. Anyway, I was looking at France and Paris was an option. Now, I’m glad I didn’t go to Paris. I didn’t have *80 years since its liberation* (that’s today) on my radar. It would have been super busy. Festivities started yesterday already. And the Paralympics are also coming up. Very happy with having chosen Nancy and Metz.
It’s been amazing. So, stay tuned for that. Now, I leave you with this picture of Metz cathedral.
Have a great Sunday!
I have ordered your book, so more comment later after I get it. Also looked up Winds of Change - wow love it! Thanks! :)
Good morning Dear Big Time Author Evelyne! I am so very Happy for ALL YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS!
I so Love ❤️ the tenor of this Sunday’s story of your trip! From start to finish your Smile and Positivity is shining through in my eyes 👀! Thanks for sharing your thoughts, journey and explanations of your journeys and definitely deserve First Class Everything!! I Love the Artist Evelyne Beautiful Painting 🖼️ which deserves a spot in a Gallery somewhere! Maybe your own “Evelyne’s Book Shop”! Your picture of the Cathedral of Metz is outstanding!! I do hope that production and pro action on behalf of that Fort becomes a Reality for centuries to come as a Museum for all to see! I close by saying that “The Winds of Change” is a song I do remember by the Scorpions and was a great novel idea for you to mention that song as I could hear it in my vacant head while watching many parts of the 2024 DNC!
Have a Wonderful Sunday Evelyne and thanks for all your Amazing work and words! Always, your OY! Friend in Boston 👍📖🌈🖖☮️