If you’re the kind of person who was told to stay silent to keep the peace, think about whose peace you’ve been keeping. Most likely not yours. Chances are you were told to stay silent to protect whoever said it. I can’t even begin to tell you what that does to a person long term. And that’s why I refuse to play that game.
You are ALWAYS allowed to tell your own story. Nobody can silence you. If you’re a “yes, but …” person. I know there are legal exceptions. That’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking normal day-to-day living and working.
I’m seriously fed up with people telling me what I can and cannot talk about. That’s keeping their peace, that’s protecting them. So, to protect myself and to keep my own peace:
Don’t tell me to be quiet – I won’t.
Don’t tell me it will keep the peace – not my peace.
Don’t tell me to protect others with my silence – I’m protecting myself by speaking up.
Don’t tell me you had no other choice – you won’t get validation from me.
Don’t tell me vulnerability is a sign of weakness – it’s a sign of strength.
Don’t tell me I’m too sensitive – I’m nor a machine.
Don’t tell me you’re protecting others – you’re only protecting yourself.
Don’t think I don’t know – I do.
Don’t think I can’t see – I can.
Don’t think I’ll be quiet – I won’t.
Don’t play the victim – you’re not.
Spontaneous post today. I might finish another one later (working title “You can turn back the clocks but not time”).
Stay tuned and have a wonderful day. Hugs all around.
So good ❤
Thank you. Thank you again. I feel seen.