An easy way out – wtaf?!
A rant about the state of the world and suicide being considered “the easy way out”.
I got triggered on social media – as you do. Looks like there are still people who comment under an obituary that mentions suicide that this person took the “easy way out”. That was a real wtaf moment. I let’s just think about this for a minute. There are people out there who think that feeling so lonely and hopeless that the only option you see for yourself is suicide is somehow EASY? Really?! EASY is the word you want to go for? I don’t even have words for how messed up this is. There is a person who is at their lowest, who has given up any hope of life improving or their pain ever getting better, who feels lonely in their struggle, who sees no other way than to end their lives and somebody out there thinks this is EASY. There’s so much wrong with that statement. There’s so much toxicity in that statement, and so much of what’s wrong in this world.
I got triggered even more when I saw a reel on Instagram where men were asked who they call when they are at their lowest. The answer was – NOBODY, because they are not allowed to show “weakness”. There’s nothing weak about talking about your mental health, nothing! But there’s a lot wrong in a society where we are told to just suck it up, where our struggle is invalidated because others have it so much worse, where we are called weak, where we have to wait months to be seen by a psychologist/psychiatrist.
Why is there still so much stigma attached to mental health struggles? It can happen to anyone. Yes, ANYone. Yet people are having to hide it because of the stigma attached, because it’s not okay to talk about it where they are, because they think they are weak, because they were taught to suffer in silence … makes me sad, angry and everything in between. We, as a society, need to do better! We have to.
love and kindness
And, I know there are family members and friends reading this who have tried their best to help. Please know that it is not always possible. You’ve done what you could. Gentle hugs to you.
How about reaching out to a friend today? How about being kind to a random stranger? How about giving somebody the gift of a smile? How about sending a kind message to somebody? How about checking in with yourself? How are YOU doing today?
The problem is that we are a species of convenience. We care about technology when it entertains us, Google, Botox, video games, movies, or when it scares us, heart attacks, strokes, you name it; but we neglect to look at the brain 🧠 when there depression or other “mental illness” are involved. Even psychiatrists or psychologists ignore it and yet both MDs and PHDs can describe medication. It is laughable if you consider that depression’s cause could even be effect by our guts’ health. There is no excuse for our ignorance the problem is that people enjoy it. They stay on the surface to the point when superficiality becomes dangerous even in the hands of doctors. Everybody knows that a healthy brain is a healthy mind. Depression can be genetic, the result of severe or mild trauma but also the result of the heaviness and brutality that people witness everyday without being able to do much.
Good for you fir talking about it! 👏🏻❤️
You are so very kind to care. So many people are living in their own worlds now, living their own lives, they shut out anyone who for whatever reason cannot keep up, join in, or who are in obvious distress. Isolation from the pain of others seems to be the norm from my point of view. Perhaps we all feel so much pain at the problems of today’s world, we simply have reached a limit of empathy. It seems so from here, too. Bless you for caring. Carry on with your rant anytime; I’ll listen and be there!